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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: King Baron
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Lion
Registration Number: RPZ-20
Crew: 1-2
Height: 8.6 Meters
Length: 19.8 Meters
Weight: 73 Tons
Top Speed: 270 kph
Weapons: Triple AMD 30mm Laser Machineguns, Twin Triple 30mm Laser Machineguns, Quad 20mm Laser Repeaters, Triple 50mm Beam Rifles, 20mm Beam Cannon, Twin 4-Shot Missile Pods, 30mm Beam Cannon, Quad Laser Blades, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: E-Shield, Improved IR Sensors.
Level: 5

One thing about the King Baron you may notice is that it seems to have simply too many guns to be allowed. It’s extremely heavily armed for a Zoid of its size and speed, possessing both melee and ranged weaponry more than capable of downing most opponents. This isn’t surprising, given that it was originally built by the Helic Republic as a high-end Zoid for use in combat in multiple terrains and situations. It also happens to be a precursor to the Liger family, being a unique Lion-typed Zoid.

As such, the King Baron has many of the key attributes and signature quirks of the Liger family. Among them is a reasonably high top speed -- 270 kilometers per hour. It also features a set of four laser blades and an E-Shield, both of which are easily recognizable as Liger traits. Aside from that, the King Baron is simply an overall sturdy and high performance Zoid. It handles like a lesser Liger, and has armor as tough as that of the Red Horn.

Triple AMD 30mm Laser Machineguns:
While the King Baron doesn’t have any “main guns”, this seemed like a good place to start. The King Baron has three Anti-Missile Defense Laser Machineguns, all fixed facing forwards. Two of them are located on the top of the King Baron’s head, and the third is on the Zoid’s chest. They all fire at a fully automatic rate of 12 shots per second, and feature a naturally increased spread which allows them to shoot down missiles more effectively. They can be used as normal weapons as well, but not as easily.

Twin Triple 30mm Laser Machineguns:
Located on either side of the chest is a set of 3 30mm Laser Machineguns, for a total of six. They’re all fully automatic, and can each put out roughly 15 rounds per second. Given that that’s 90 rounds per second between them, these are not weapons to be underestimated. However, none of the six weapons can pivot independently.

Quad 20mm Laser Repeaters:
The King Baron has a pair of 20mm Laser Repeaters on either side of its head, for a total of four. Each of the four weapons can fire roughly 12 shots per second, and are more or less standard repeaters. They can’t pivot independently, though.

Triple 50mm Beam Rifles:
The King Baron has a grand total of three 50mm Beam Rifles: 1 on either shoulder, and 1 in the center of chest. All of the cannons can fire roughly 3 shots per second, but all are fixed facing forwards.

20mm Beam Cannon:
The King Baron has a 20mm Beam Cannon in the center of its chest, which fires roughly 5 shots every second. It’s just to complement the rest of the arsenal, and its nothing really special. It’s fixed facing forward too.

Twin 4-Shot Missile Pods:
The King Baron has a 4-Shot Missile Pod on either side of its body. The great thing about these is that each cover one hemisphere of the King Baron, meaning that between them, one can always lock onto the target. The downside is, both can never lock onto the same target at the same time, meaning that the King Baron would have to turn and relock on to fire the other 4-Shot Missile Pod. However, they can lock onto to a target not in their direct line of sight, and then arc around and hit it. They’re standard Anti-Ground Missiles otherwise.

30mm Beam Cannon:
The King Baron has a rear-facing fully automatic 30mm Beam Cannon mounted on its tail. Though its rather impotent as a gun to cover the rear flank, it’s meant to be supplemented by missile fire. The weapon itself spews out only 3 shots per second, and is relatively inaccurate while the King Baron is on the move.

Quad Laser Blades:
The King Baron is a little odd in that it has a set of four Laser Blades: one on either side of the back of the neck and one on either side of the main body. While they can be charged to drastically increase cutting power, a Blade Liger’s blades they’re not. They’re only 4 meters long, barely extending off the body enough to be used safely, much less effectively. However, in terms of cutting power, they’re only a step below the Blade Liger’s Laser Blades, and can sometimes be an effective melee weapon.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
In the extremely likely event that the Laser Blades have failed it, the King Baron has the standard melee weapons: sharpened claws and razor-like teeth. Great for ripping and tearing, and generally for fighting an opponent in melee. Though the King Baron is a lightweight -- lighter than the Blade Liger, in fact -- its still reasonably strong and can use its melee weapons effectively.

Special Abilities:
The King Baron has quite an arsenal of weapons, but most are low caliber. Its armor might be tough, but is still relatively light for a Zoid of its class. So, the King Baron was also granted the standard omnidirectional E-Shield, created by emitters on each of the Baron’s legs. The E-Shield is roughly as powerful as that of the Blade Liger, because (as we know with E-Shields) one strength tends to fit all.

Improved IR Sensors:
The King Baron has improved IR Sensors, which are better than the standard Infrared Sensors, but still work off of the same principles. They track enemies via their heat signatures, but the advantage of the King Baron’s sensors are counter-suppression equipment. Coolant systems tend not to work as well against these, though dedicated IR Suppression is still extremely effective against them. Still, even against IR Suppressed Zoids, the King Baron can sometimes find an outline or a slightly discolored spot on its scanners, allowing it to track them somewhat. Also, the sensory equipment is located in the King Baron’s head, meaning that it’s near impossible to destroy without destroying the cockpit.

Available Modifications: