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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Gungyarados
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Dragon
Registration Number: DPZ-23
Crew: 1
Height: 15 Meters (standing), 11 Meters (flight)
Length: 23 Meters (standing), 36 Meters (flight)
Weight: 155 Tons
Top Speed: 110 kph (land), Mach 3.7/4533 kph (air)
Weapons: Twin 100mm Pulse Laser Cannons, Hyper Triple Impact Cannon, Flamethrower, Hardened Alloy Dragon Tail, Hardened Alloy Claws, Teeth, and Wings.
Special Abilities: Hyper Charged Particle Gun, 3D Doppler Radar, Reflective Metal Ice Armor.
Level: Decomissioned (Zoid X)

When the Battle Cougar first hit the skies, the Guylos Empire found themselves at a disadvantage. The Helic Republic had the advantage in the air; the bulky Gilvaders weren’t designed for dogfighting, and were being picked off by small swarms of the heavily armed Griffon-typed Zoids. Gilvaders weren’t exactly cheap, either. It seemed that despite the power of the massive Zoid X, it wasn’t getting the job done.

The Guylos Empire slowly and surely developed a new hybrid Zoid -- one that could outmaneuver and outdogfight the Battle Cougar, but also do the job of the Gilvader. That was a tall order, given that the Gilvader was designed to combat super-large scale Zoids, like the Mad Thunder and Ultrasaurus. However, somehow, the Guylos Empire pulled the Gungyarados from the depths of hell and dragged it into existence. The dragon came into the world with a scream not its own.

The Gungyarados has the lightest armor of any Zoid X, roughly on par with that of a Gojulas. However, the armor is Reflective Metal Ice Armor, rendering energy attacks far less effective against the Gungyarados. Also, the Gungyarados features excellent aerial speed and maneuverability, just a notch below the Storm Sworder, and better than the Battle Cougar. On land, the Gungyarados is the dragon you’d expect it to be, spewing fire and bullets. However, the Gungyarados is really only a Zoid X for one reason: its Hyper Charged Particle Gun. The HCPG is the most destructive non-nuclear weapon known to humankind, designed to destroy Zoids like the Ultrasaurus. Though no Guylos Gungyarados ever got close enough to try this, rest assured, it would have worked.

The Gungyarados met its end with the end of the Charged Particle Gun, having been wiped out by the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALTs) betwen the Empire and the Helic Republic. Though the Neo Backdraft were able to recover enough data from the cores of the Geno Saurers and the Berserk Führer that they excavated to replicate the dragon's structure, the workings of the Hyper Charged Particle Gun remain unknown, preventing this legendary dragon to take to the sky once again. So, though it may be a shallow grave, the Gungyarados remains firmly buried.

As a side note, the Gungyarados is a dragon, and as such, assumes different positions in the sky and on the ground. In the sky, the Gungyarados prostrates itself into a serpent-like form; on the ground, it stands like a dinosaur or a dragon.

Twin 100mm Pulse Laser Cannons:
The Gungyarados isn’t a ZX because it plays around with small weapons calibers. Mounted just below the HCPG are a pair of fully automatic 100mm Pulse Laser Cannons, each capable of spewing 20 rounds per second. This also happens to be the Gungyarados’ most powerful dogfighting weapon, largely used for fighting Battle Cougars. Also, the weapon can incline up to 45 degrees up or 20 degrees down, but not at all to either side.

Hyper Triple Impact Cannon:
Mounted to the Gungyarados’s undercarriage, fixed facing forward, is a semiautomatic three-barreled impact cannon. Ordinary enough, with a maximum range of 250 meters before the shells drop into the ground and become ineffective. However, the word “Hyper” in the description wasn’t exactly a bluff. Each cannon boasts an AZ208mm caliber, making it fully capable of downing lesser Zoids in just one or two volleys.

What good dragon doesn’t breath fire? The Gungyarados has a flamethrower inside its mouth that allows it to burn and melt through armor, much like a cutting torch would. The maximum range of this potent weapon is 150 meters, and its several times more powerful than a normal flamethrower. However, it’s best used against terrestrial targets.

Hardened Alloy Dragon Tail:
The Gungyarados’ tail is just as dangerous as the rest of its body: it’s clearly a drill. As such, it can be spun at extremely high speeds to allow it drill into various things. Like unwanted limbs of the Gungyarados’ opponents. While its not chargeable, it’s extremely powerful, and can bore through armor with ease. However, its not recommended that this weapon be used in the air... attempting to do so tends to create crashes.

Hardened Alloy Claws, Teeth, and Wings:
The teeth, claws, and even the wings on the Gungyarados are sharpened and potential melee weapons. They can certainly be used for the task, slashing, tearing, knashing... whatever. Just don’t use the wings as aerial melee weapons, because they’re not tough enough to survive even high subsonic collisions.

Special Abilities:
Hyper Charged Particle Gun:
The very large gun on the back of the Gungyarados is Hyper Charged Particle Gun -- the most powerful variant of the Charged Particle Gun there is. While the Gungyarados need not be locked down, it’s forced to stand still for the entire charging and firing process. The HCPG takes a full 3 seconds to charge, and then the ensuing beam also lasts for 3 seconds. The blast, you see, is 4 standard CPG strengths. A direct hit from this weapon will destroy any Zoid except for the Mad Thunder, without fail or question. Even the shockwave is enough to down many small and medium sized Zoids, and can topple even the largest. The Gungyarados is restricted to one use of this weapon by energy constraints and sanctioned battling regulations both. If the battle is sanctioned, the Gungyarados cannot use this weapon during the first round.

3D Doppler Radar:
Just in case you were thinking of doing something silly like hiding from the Gungyarados, it has the equipment to find you. The sensory equipment that allows it to do this spread across the body, making it essentially impossible to stop.

Reflective Metal Ice Armor:
The Gungyarados is... how to put this politely... fragile, for a Zoid X. As a matter of fact, the designers were worried about several Battle Cougars simultaneously using their 200mm Surge Cannons to shoot the Zoid down. To counter this possibility, the Gungyarados’ armor is made out of Reflective Metal Ice, which reduces the effects of any energy weapon (laser and beam) used against it by 2/3 (66.6%). Charged Particle weaponry is unaffected by this armor.