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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Gun Sniper
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Velociraptor
Registration Number: RZ-030
Crew: 1
Height: 7.2 Meters
Length: 11.9 Meters
Weight: 25 Tons
Top Speed: 200 kph
Weapons: AZ144mm Sniper Rifle, Dual 20mm Beam Gatling Guns, 50mm Beam Cannon, Twin 8-Shot Mortar Pods, Hardened Alloy Claws and Talons.
Special Abilities: Sniper Mode, 3D Doppler Radar, Ion Charger.
Level: 2

The Gun Sniper is the most well-known and almost universally recognized multipurpose long-ranged combat Zoid, originally developed by the Helic Republic. Though not completely dedicated to sharpshooting, like the Snipe Master is, the Gun Sniper’s primary weapon is its AZ144mm Sniper Rifle. However, contrary to popular belief, the Gun Sniper is not a sniper but more of a designated marksman, laying down powerful and precise gunfire.

As far as performance goes, the Gun Sniper is relatively good. It’s of the same family as the Rev Raptor, and has agility and maneuverability just a notch below that its aforementioned smaller cousin. It’s armor is roughly on par with that of the Command Wolf, making it relatively fragile, but not completely defenseless. In addition to the Sniper Rifle, the Gun Sniper also has an assortment of medium ranged and short ranged weaponry, which allow it to handle itself in a variety of situations.

AZ144mm Sniper Rifle:
The AZ144mm Sniper Rifle is an extremely powerful weapon built into the Gun Sniper’s tail. Though the Gun Sniper must be in Sniper Mode to use it, the Sniper Rifle fires at a semiautomatic rate and is more than capable of piercing E-Shields. A round fired by a Gun Sniper will pierce a shield in one miniscule point, penetrating and dealing damage to the Zoid as well (though the damage will be greatly reduced). The shield will then instantly recombobulate, sealing the hole. After three shots, an ordinary E-Shield will fail. The rounds, however, are incapable of piercing Hyper E-Shields, but can down one in 6-10 shots. Against regular armor, the AZ144mm round will penetrate further and deal more damage than even its large caliber suggests. All in all, this is a very powerful weapon, and not one to be taken lightly.

Dual 20mm Beam Gatling Guns:
Each of the Gun Sniper’s talons actually has a gatling gun mounted to it, giving the Gun Sniper some medium-range weaponry. Each 20mm Beam Gatling Gun can fire fully automatic rounds at a rate of 10/second each, but even this rate of fire leaves the Gun Sniper seriously lacking in stopping power. Even so, these gatlings can chip away at armor, one little bit at a time. Also, both weapons can pivot up to 20 degrees up on top of the arm’s own range of movement for aiming purposes.

50mm Beam Cannon:
Fixed facing forwards to the Gun Sniper’s chest is a 50mm Beam Cannon. It’s semiautomatic and very straight forward, nothing special about it.

Twin 8-Shot Mortar Pods:
Just in case two 20mm Beam Gatling Guns and a 50mm Beam Cannon aren’t enough stopping power, which they often aren’t, the Gun Sniper has these. Two 8-Shot Mortar Pods. On top of each of the Gun Sniper’s back mounted boosters is a pod -- they’re concealed, but they’re sure as hell there. Each mortar is an indirect fire weapon with a 10-meter blast radius, so beware enemies of the Gun Sniper. Note that maximum range for the mortars is roughly 500 meters.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Talons:
The Gun Sniper is a Velociraptor, and, like any self-respecting Velociraptor, has claws and talons. Though the Gun Sniper’s teeth aren’t much meant for combat, the claws and talons are very sharp and good for melee. On top of that, they can be charged with energy from the Ion Charger to make them do that much more damage.

Special Abilities:
Sniper Mode:
The signature ability of the Gun Sniper is Sniper Mode. Put simply, the Gun Sniper turns around, and so does the pilot’s seat. Footlocks deploy, and the AZ144mm Sniper Rifle becomes operational. Meanwhile, the pilot him or herself sinks into a Sniper’s crouch. The rest of the weapons become nonfunctional. The entire process takes about a second (as does coming out of it). The Gun Sniper itself is capable of shifting position, but has difficulty walking due to the dropped footlocks. Still, it can walk around and turn a little, if very slowly.

3D Doppler Radar:
Just so the Gun Sniper always knows where you are, it has 3D Doppler Radar. This sensor system allows the Gun Sniper to map out the terrain around it and find enemy Zoids more effectively. This system is reasonably basic, and doesn’t grant a targeting bonus. The sensors are none other than the Gun Sniper’s ears, and if they’re destroyed, the radar will cease to function. Also, this system can be used in both normal and Sniper Mode.

Ion Charger:
Mounted on the Gun Sniper’s back, covered by armor, is a curious device called and ion charger. This siphons and converts small amounts of energy from the Zoid Core and uses it to charge the Gun Sniper’s melee weapons. However, the charge isn’t nearly as strong or potent as the Strike Laser Claw or even the Electron Strike Claw. It usually just increases sharpness and cutting ability by about 50%, which is reasonable boost. Swipes and continued pressure still have the potential to deal quite a bit of damage.

Available Modifications: