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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Gul Tiger
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Tiger
Registration Number: DPZ-16
Crew: 1
Height: 7.4 Meters
Length: 16.4 Meters
Weight: 75 Tons
Top Speed: 260 kph
Weapons: Heavy Particle Cannon, Twin 50mm Cannons, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: 3D Doppler Radar.
Level: 3

The Gul Tiger was the result of an effort on the part of the Guylos Empire to develop a second mass production Zoid that was capable of wielding the Charged Particle Gun. Though the Geno Saurer could already use this fearsome weapon, it was extremely hard to produce due to its mutated Zoid Core. The Gul Tiger was originally designed to sport and use superweapon, but it didn’t quite work out that way. Though the Particle collection systems worked just fine, the cannon system itself proved impossible to add to a small-scale Zoid without a mutated Zoid Core.

Thus, the Geno Saurer continued to be the only non-Zoid X or Banned Zoid to boast such a superweapon. However, the Guylos Empire decided not to scrap the Gul Tiger design, and to create a second weapon based off of charged particles. The result was the Heavy Particle Cannon, which is part of the Gul Tiger’s base design. This weapon gives the Gul Tiger considerable firepower, allowing it to occasionally effectively fight Zoids much larger than itself.

Performance-wise, the Gul Tiger is among the highest-ranking in its class. It has roughly Zaber Fang grade agility and armor, giving it some assurance that it won’t be outmaneuvered easily. All in all, the Gul Tiger is an all-around decent Zoid, but it does lack ranged firepower apart from the Heavy Particle Cannon.

Heavy Particle Cannon:
The Gul Tiger’s main armament, mounted on its back and locked facing forwards, is the Heavy Particle Cannon. This weapon tries to inelegantly brute force the effect that the Charged Particle Gun creates (total destruction of everything in its by path) by just shooting a compressed beam of charged particles. While the underlying principle is the same, the nuances (and mechanics of firing) are very different. Firstly, the Heavy Particle Cannon doesn’t require any charge-up time at all. The Gul Tiger can just snap off a shot at any time. Secondly, the Heavy Particle Cannon is only 1/10th the strength of a full Charged Particle Gun (but still extremely potent). While not even sufficient to down a Zaber Fang, 1/10th of a CPG strength can inflict noticeable or serious damage to any Zoid. Also, because of its based on a charged particle weapon, a single burst from a Heavy Particle Cannon is sufficient to take down a normal E-Shield (but not a Hyper E-Shield). Lastly, the Heavy Particle Cannon requires a full 12 seconds to cool down and recharge after every shot, making it a very powerful but very slow-firing weapon.

Twin 50mm Cannons:
When the Gul Tiger needs a weapon other than the Heavy Particle Cannon, it has a pair of 50mm Cannons to rely on. Their mount allows them to pivot up to 360 degrees horizontally, as well as up to 20 degrees up. Otherwise, they’re just standard, semiautomatic 50mm Cannons.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The Gul Tiger is really almost undefended in the periods of time between Heavy Particle Cannon blasts, and its Twin 50mm Cannons may just lack the power to stave off attacks. In that period of time, its fully possible for enemies to close to melee, so the Gul Tiger is ready. It’s heavily muscled and good in a wrestling match, with several pointy claws and razor-sharp teeth to back it up.

Special Abilities:
3D Doppler Radar:
The Gul Tiger possesses 3D Doppler Radar, which allows it to map out the terrain around it and find enemy Zoids more effectively. This system is reasonably basic, and doesn’t grant a targeting bonus. The sensors themselves are spread all over the Gul Tiger’s body, though, making it extremely hard to disable.

Available Modifications: