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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Great Whale King
Alignment: Zian
Family: Whale
Registration Number: Zi-099
Height: 155.5 Meters
Length: 622 Meters
Weight: 2000 Tons (unloaded, estimate)
Top Speed: Mach .4/490 kph (air), 40 knots/74 kph (water)
Weapons: 40mm Anti-Aircraft Machinegun Array, Tri-Barrelled AZ80mm Heavy Cannon.
Special Abilities: Zoid Carrying, Swimming.
Cost: $450,000
Level: Transport

Bridge Crew: 6 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Captain, Executive Officer, Gunnery Sergeant/Tactical Officer, Chief of Operations)
Minimum Crew Requirements: 75
Standard Crew: 350
Maximum Personnel: 800 ((That can be continuously supported and sustained by the Whale King.))

This is one huge Zoid, the largest production transport in the world. The Great Whale King, lives up to its name, as its quite literally the Great King that lords over all other Zoids. At half a kilometer long and capable of carrying 70 standard Zoids, the Great Whale King is truly a behemoth. However, the Great Whale King isn’t the absolute largest Zoid in the world; the Ultrasaurus beats it out by a few tens of thousands of cubic meters.

However, as far as production Zoids go, the Great Whale King is still the King. It’s a stretched version of the Whale King, and can provide equal or better care for every Zoid in its massive hold. It also has immensely thick armor, roughly on par with that of the Gustav. Both of these facts combined have seen the Great Whale King through years of service on all sides of every major conflict Zi has ever seen; Great Whale Kings are often used to transport entire armored divisions in and out of battles. Individuals and even teams rarely have need for such titanic machines, only in the rarest of cases will anything smaller than an large company possess one. Still, for the individual with a mind-boggling amount of money and great expectations, this is as big as you can go.

40mm Anti-Aircraft Machinegun Array:
The Great Whale King has a total of six Anti-Aircraft Machineguns located on various places throughout its body, which represent its main defensive firepower. There are two on either side of its head, near the base of the neck armor plate, and another two on its tail. All four can fire 12 flak rounds per second, which explode at a certain altitude (adjusted by the gunner twirling a dial) in a ball of shrapnel. This shrapnel can shred and tear the wings of aerial Zoids very effectively, hence the name “Anti-Aircraft.” The fuses can also be turned off, allowing them to act like normal 40mm Machineguns. Also, thanks to their mounts, each cannon can pivot 360 horizontally and 90 degrees up or down. Usually, each turret is manned, but any bridge officer can aim or fire the weapons. Note that the flak rounds cannot be used underwater, but the standard ones can.

Tri-Barrelled AZ80mm Heavy Cannon:
The Great Whale King has a total of three AZ80mm Heavy Cannons positioned on an omnidirectional turret mount, right on top of its back. The weapons are all semiautomatic, and the turret, being omnidirectional, can hit anything in its line of sight. Note that the weapons are extremely powerful, capable of shattering even heavy armor, and are fully capable of hitting the Great Whale King itself. Usually, the turret is manned, but any bridge officer can aim or fire the weapons. Note that this weapon can be used underwater.

Special Abilities:
Zoid Carrying:
The Great Whale King can carry up to 70 Zoids in its belly, as well as repair and service them as well as many ground stations could. There are a plethora of entrances and exits in and out of the Whale King, but the main ones are its mouth, tail, and nose. There is also a large platform near the AZ80mm Heavy Cannon where aircraft can take off and land, although it’s small, so being VTOL helps. In the air, it’s a more common practice to drop-launch.

Repair Bay:
The Great Whale King is the biggest of the big three, and a dedicated transport, so its naturally got a repair bay. The repair bay has got the equipment and the personnel to get damaged allies back on their feet quickly, an essential component for any large transport, and large the Great Whale King is. The Great Whale King is fully capable of repairing up to 10 Zoids that it’s carrying at once at full speed -- none of this do-it-yourself crap.

Free Willy! Okay, not really, the Great Whale King can fly. But it’s still a whale, and a damned powerful swimmer at that. It can only do 40 knots, but that’s impressive for its bulk. It also has good maneuverability in the water for its unbelievable size, a few steps below that of the standard Whale King. It’s fully compartmentalized in case of a hull breach, and has a crush depth of roughly 5 kilometers.

Available Modifications: