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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Great Sabre
Alignment: Zenebas and Guylos Empires
Family: Tiger
Registration Number: uEZ-016
Crew: 1
Height: 8.4 Meters
Length: 16.2 Meters
Weight: 90 Tons
Top Speed: 305 kph (boosters), 240 kph (running), 500 kph (flight)
Weapons: Dual AZ60mm Beam Cannons, AZ20mm Machinegun, Triple Impact Cannon, Quad AZ40mm Beam Cannons, 3-Shot Missile Pod, 8-Shot Mortar Pod, Hardened Alloy Claws and Fangs.
Special Abilities: Flight Pack, Composite Sensory Unit.
Level: 4 (Level 3 Upgrade)

The Zaber Fang was one of the first of what we might call "the modern Zoids" - Zoids that had the capacity to be revised and updated as time marched on, allowing them to stay on the front lines throughout the ages. However, merely updating the Zaber Fang and making new modifications available to it was not enough for some of the pilots of Planet Zi. The Imperium has a fine military tradition, and prides itself on promoting its field officers and having them graduate to new Zoids. Unfortunately for said officers, many proved themselves inside the more maneuverable and agile Zaber Fang, and were reluctant to sacrifice that freedom for a clunky, heavy member of the Kong or the Horn families.

This impulse, combined with the emergence of new high performance Zoids from within the Helic Republic, spurred the Empire to concoct one of their own, a modified version of the Zaber Fang available to their best pilots and field officers: the Great Sabre. The Great Sabre is a heavier, more "buffed up" version of the old Sabre Tiger, featuring much thicker armor. In fact, the Great Sabre now tops the Blade Liger, and is roughly on par with the Revenge Trap. Additionally, it features a pair of boosters, which allow it to match the Blade Liger in speed. However, the Great Sabre has added weight and bulk to its frame, and has sadly sacrificed maneuverability for the greater good. At higher speeds in particular, the Great Sabre fights the controls and is almost unturnable, but the clunkiness is noticeable at lower speeds as well.

To compensate for this lack of maneuverability, the Great Sabre has a leg up in weapons over the Zaber Fang. Firstly, it has hardpoints for two Hybrid Vulcan Cannons (not just one), though these don't come included with the Great Sabre. Secondly, many of its smaller arms have been replaced with more formidable weapons, increased the Great Sabre's striking power. Finally, this can fly. No joke. For some reason, the Imperial engineers saw fit to equip the Great Sabre with a flight pack, which gives it limited aerial capabilities. Good luck with that one.

Dual AZ60mm Beam Cannons:
The Great Sabre’s main ranged weapons are a pair of AZ60mm Beam Cannons, mounted on its back and slung over its shoulders. The weapons are standard semiautomatic, great for piercing Zoid armor, and able to pivot up to 180 degrees outward horizontally (all the way around) or 45 degrees up. Other than that, there’s nothing much special about them - they just have real bite.

AZ20mm Machinegun:
The Great Sabre has a lone AZ20mm conventional Machinegun, mounted to the underside of its Triple Impact Cannon. The AZ20mm Machinegun can pivot up to 10 degrees up or down to keep opponents in its firing arc, but not much else. It fires roughly 12 rounds a second, so it shouldn’t be taken too lightly, either.

Triple Impact Cannon:
The Triple Impact Cannon was inherited from the Zaber Fang, which was among the first Zoids to carry the powerful weapon (other than the Zatton and Geruder). This weapon would also almost have to be called the Great Sabre’s main weapon, despite the enhancements to the rest of its armament. This impact cannon is capable of firing AZ60mm shells at a semiautomatic rate at distances up to 300 meters. The Great Sabre’s, like many Impact Cannons are, is mounted to the Zoid’s undercarriage, making it low slung and hard to target and destroy. As many Impact Cannons are, the Great Sabre's is fixed facing forwards.

Quad AZ40mm Beam Cannons:
The Great Sabre has grand total of four AZ40mm semiautomatic Beam Cannons spread around its body: one on either shoulder and a pair mounted to the tail. All are standard weapons and all are fixed in place.

3-Shot Missile Pod:
Unchanged from the Zaber Fang, the Great Sabre has a 3-Shot Missile Pod located on the top of its AZ30mm Beam Cannon mount, which gives it some additional ranged striking power. The missile can only lock onto whatever the AZ30mm Beam Cannons are pointing at, but are multipurpose, meaning that they can lock onto either land or aerial targets. They also enjoy freedom from the normal 1.5-times-as-long rule; they can lock on just as fast as missiles dedicated to one purpose or the other. Aside from that, they’re standard, doing as much damage in a single hit as a standard Anti-Ground Missile.

Twin 8-Shot Mortar Pods:
Just in case this Zoid's other assorted armaments aren’t enough stopping power, which they often aren’t, the Great Sabre has these. Two 8-Shot Mortar Pods. On top of each of the Great Sabre’s back mounted boosters is a pod -- they’re concealed, but they’re sure as hell there. Each mortar is an indirect fire weapon with a 10-meter blast radius, so beware enemies of the Great Sabre. Note that maximum range for the mortars is roughly 500 meters.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The Great Sabre has the basic weapons for melee: a set of sharp claws and razor-like teeth. These can slash, bite, rip, shred... whatever they need to in order to get the job done. While they can’t be charged with energy, the Great Sabre is actually exceptionally strong, and a dangerous opponent in melee combat.

Special Abilities:
Flight Pack:
The Great Sabre can do something that no great cat and no other great cat-typed Zoid can: fly. Many would say that that phrase ("fly") is a vast overestimation of the Great Sabre's capabilities, but it is capable of short, sustained adventures in the sky. The Flight Pack is a system of direct jet-fuel thrusters that looks alot like a jet pack strapped to the Great Sabre. It carries 6 seconds worth of fuel with it (which is protected by an armor plate but is still ignitable - careful!), and can achieve altitudes of up to 50 meters. Furthermore, while in flight, the Great Sabre can achieve speeds of up to 500 kph, but it has essentially no maneuverability at any speed. This ability can be handy, but the rocket boosters which the Flight Pack relies on are short lived, so enjoy it while it lasts. Whatever you do, don't get yourself confused with a dedicated aerial Zoid.

Composite Sensory Unit:
Simply put, the Great Sabre possesses the standard Imperial Composite Sensory Unit that allows it use 3D Doppler Radar and IR scanning to track its opponents. The sensors themselves are spread around the body, giving the Composite Sensory Unit and excellent range of vision, and making it hard to destroy. This version of the unit can even transmit data to teammates.

Available Modifications: