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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Gravity Saurer
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Suchomimus
Registration Number: EZ-105
Crew: 1
Height: 5.2 Meters
Length: 17.3 Meters
Weight: 74 Tons
Top Speed: 260 kph
Weapons: Twin 80mm Cannons, Twin 30mm Pulse Laser Guns, Dual Impact Cannon, Twin Heavy Missiles, Hardened Alloy Claws.
Special Abilities: Gravity Wheel.
Level: 3

The Gravity Saurer is one of only a handful of Gravity Zoids, and has proven itself to be extremely capable in the past. With a fast top speed and a reasonable battery of weapons at its disposal, the Gravity Saurer has a couple of obvious uses, including hit-and-run attacks. Though its main power rests in missiles and the Dual Impact Cannon, the Gravity Saurer also has limited long-ranged and melee capabilities. In addition, it has reasonably heavy armor for its size.

The secret is the Gravity Wheel. It acts as a kind of special propulsion system for the Gravity Saurer, allowing it to be reasonably heavy without feeling the effects of the weight. It also gives it a good top speed. However, the Gravity Saurer still suffers from a lack of protection on its sides or rear, making it vulnerable to a sneak attack.

Twin 80mm Cannons:
The largest cannons in the Gravity Saurer’s arsenal, located right below the Twin Heavy Missiles, is a pair of 80mm Cannons. They’re fixed facing forwards, and fire at a semiautomatic rate. While the caliber isn’t particularly large, they can rack up damage over time.

Twin 30mm Pulse Laser Guns:
The only fully automatic weapons on the Gravity Saurer are located right below the 80mm Cannons. They’re a pair of 30mm Pulse Laser Guns, fixed facing forwards, capable of putting out 12 rounds per second each.

Dual Impact Cannon:
Enough with the small weapons, though. The Gravity Saurer has a Dual Impact Cannon mounted to its undercarriage. It’s essentially identical to the equivalent weapons found on the Blade Liger -- boasting an AZ80mm caliber and the ability to badly damage many Zoids in a just a few volleys. However, like the Blade Liger’s, they’ve got a maximum range of 300 meters and are highly inaccurate while the Zoid is in motion.

Twin Heavy Missiles:
The most prominent structures on the Gravity Saurer are its twin Heavy Missiles. Resembling a pair of World War II German Panzerfausts, each of these two missiles can lock onto any ground target and are each capable of dealing twice the amount of damage an Anti-Ground Missile can. They’re mounted to the very top of the Gravity Saurer’s back, and can’t pivot. Therefore, they can only lock onto targets in front of the Gravity Saurer.

Hardened Alloy Claws:
The Gravity Saurer possesses two long, powerful claws that allow it to tear away at armor and maul enemies. The ‘Saurer itself is reasonably strong, and the claws are very sharp, so a melee attack from this Zoid is something enemies might want to avoid.

Special Abilities:
Gravity Wheel:
The Gravity Saurer is one of only a few elite Gravity Zoids, which are some of the most advanced pieces of equipment to ever be developed. The Gravity Wheel, a disk-shaped object attached to the Gravity Saurer’s underbelly, gives it gravity manipulation powers. This is mainly the reason for the Gravity Saurer’s heavy armament, armor, and decent speed and maneuverability. Furthermore, the Gravity Wheel allows the Gravity Saurer to leap long distances, and gives it near-instanteous acceleration. However, if the Gravity Wheel is badly damaged or destroyed, the Gravity Saurer is suddenly one of the slowest, least maneuverable Zoids around. (Speed would drop to 80 kph). However, the Gravity Wheel can be hard to get at, given that it’s mounted to the undercarriage.