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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Gojulas Giga (aka “Giga Gojulas” or “Giggles”)
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Giganotosaurus
Registration Number: RZ-064
Crew: 1
Height: 29.5 Meters
Length: 17.0 Meters
Weight: 200 Tons
Top Speed: 95 kph (battle mode), 180 kph (pursuit mode)
Weapons: Hyper Laser Tail Blades, Giga Crusher Fangs and Claws.
Special Abilities: Variable Stance, Rain of Stars, Hyper E-Shield, ECM System.
Level: Zoid X

It’s almost funny, really. Well, at least Giggles here seems to think so, but he’s always smiling. You see, the Gojulas Giga has no conventional ranged weaponry. It can be outfitted with Twin Republican Super Cannons and the like, but the stock form just doesn’t have any. The Gojulas Giga is a melee demon, relying on agility and brute force to overwhelm its opponents. To start, the Giga Gojulas is among the toughest Zoids around, with a Hyper E-Shield, an ECM System, and armor second only to the King Gojulas.

It’s not just toughness that gets the Gojulas Giga through the day, though. It has all the legendary performance of a standard Gojulas, being extremely agile and flexible despite its large size. It can move with its head down (“Pursuit Mode”) and fight with its head up (“Battle Mode”), but it’s very maneuverable in both. The tail provides the Gojulas Giga with excellent balance, and acts as a counterweight during Pursuit Mode. Furthermore, the Gojulas Giga is easily the strongest Zoid X around. The only thing that’s ever beaten it in an wresting match is the Mad Thunder.

Lastly, the lower jaw construction of the Gojulas Giga is curved such that it seems to be perpetually smiling. This has earned this Zoid X the affectionate nickname of Giggles, because it smiles all the more while mauling its enemies. Some would say that the Gojulas Giga has a temper problem, but who believe that when it’s always so happy?

Hyper Laser Tail Blades:
The Gojulas Giga’s chargeable tail-mounted Laser Blades are the finest Zi has to offer, easily slicing and dicing opponents. When charged, they’re much more effective and powerful than a Blade Liger’s swords. ((They can even cut through the armor of a Death Saurer, to some extent.)) Also, since both blades are almost 8 meters long and mounted to the hyper-flexible Gojulas Giga’s tail, they’re really quite effective weapons. Some good advice to the Giga’s enemies would just be to stay away from the tail.

Giga Crusher Fangs and Claws:
Of course, staying away from the tail probably leads to moving towards the front, which really isn’t much better. The Gojulas Giga is among the strongest Zoids around, and is fully capable of of tearing lesser Zoids to shreds in a frontal melee encounter. Its teeth and mouth are razor-sharp, and are capable of biting and grinding even the toughest Zoids to shreds. Each of the Giga’s two arms can lift upwards of 100 tons, and together they can lift a standard Gojulas. And can probably tear one apart, while they’re at it. They’re called “Giga Crusher” for a reason.

Special Abilities:

Variable Stance:
The Gojulas Giga can assume one of two stances, “Pursuit Mode” for running and chasing opponents, and “Battle Mode” for fighting, grappling, and using Rain of Stars. The Gojulas can change between them in under a second, even while moving.

Pursuit Mode:
To enter Pursuit Mode, the Gojulas Giga simply inclines its head downwards and raises its tail, improving the aerodynamics of the Zoid and actually increasing its speed drastically. In this mode, the Gojulas Giga can move at 180 kph, much faster than any object of this size has any right to move without boosters. The arms are tucked in to help with the streamlining, so grappling and such can be fairly hard. Likewise, the tailblade is on the raised tail and also difficult to use. The mouth is in a good position to gobble up anything it encounters, though.

Battle Mode:
In Battle Mode, the Gojulas Giga simply raises its head and lowers its tail. This frees up the arms and tailblade for use. Also, the Rain of Stars can be used, as can the footlocks.

Rain of Stars:
The Gojulas Giga has a rather large and prominent network of spines on its back, which might cause some people to ask: “why?” The answer is simple: they’re weapons. And not melee weapons, either. When the Gojulas Giga is in Battle Mode, it can lower its footlocks and accumulate charge for around 2 seconds (it need not stop moving its upper body to accumulate charge). When the Giga is finished, 32 bolts of energy are released from its spinal network. They initially fly up, but then rain back down, making it look vaguely like the sky is falling. It’s a beautiful spectacle, and those who have survived it describe as a “Rain of Stars”. The 32 bolts saturate the 250 meter area surrounding the Giga, which will probably create a small trench. The only safe place to hide is in the 20 meter radius surrounding the ZX itself, and you might not want to be there for other reasons. Anyway, the damage is severe, and anything caught within the radius is damaged roughly as though it was hit by a 600mm Beam Cannon. The damage is severe, but for many, is still survivable. The Gojulas Giga is limited to one use of this tactic per battle by energy consumption failsafes. Also, sanctioned Zoid Battling rules forbid the Gojulas Giga from using this attack during the first round.

Hyper E-Shield:
The Gojulas Giga has been blessed with one of the most potent defense mechanisms around: an omnidirectional Hyper E-Shield. When activated, an expanded bubble of blue energy surrounds and protects the Giga. This Hyper E-Shield is about 20% stronger than the standard one, being able to survive more than a Super Charged Particle Blast before failing. Note that the spines are the emitters, and if damage, the E-Shield may become inoperable. However, it is usable in both Pursuit and Battle Modes.

ECM System:
The Gojulas Giga, as an assault Zoid, possesses the rarest kind of anti-missile defense. Instead of point-defense weaponry, it has an ECM System, which is mounted and run internally. This system, which uses electronic counter-measures to screw with enemy missiles, will cause guided projectiles to miss almost 80% the time. The best part is that this isn’t even limited to missiles locked on the Gojulas Giga. It can use the system to help allies as well. Note, however, that multiple Gojuli or other ECM Systems don’t create a cumulative ECM effect, and the ECM System only has an effective range of 200 meters. (If the missiles don’t pass through the field, they’re unaffected. The field is only effective against standard missile tracking systems: visual and IR.) Also, the ECM system acts as counter-electronic warfare technology, rendering the Gojulas Giga immune to communication jamming, such as that used by the Dark Spiner and Gator. (Gojulas Giga and allies can communicate despite jamming.)

Available Modifications: