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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Godos
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Tyrannosaurus
Registration Number: RZ-014
Crew: 1
Height: 8.2 Meters
Length: 8.6 Meters
Weight: 23 Tons
Top Speed: 150 kph
Weapons: Quad 30mm Beam Cannons, Dual 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons, Hardened Alloy Claws.
Special Abilities: IR Sensors.
Level: 1

The Godos was the fourteenth Zoid ever to enter the service of the Helic Republic, and was meant to replace older models like the Garius. While no better armed, the Godos possessed something that the Garius lacked -- anti-aircraft capabilities. The Garius models, while quicker, were relatively lightly armored, and could easily be wiped out by enemy air power. The Godos possessed two flak cannons to stop the same from happening to it.

As far as performance goes, the Godos is a flexible and agile little machine. It’s much more maneuverable than the Garius, but its much slower as well. Furthermore, it has heavier armor, but the armor only covers the head, arms, and legs. Since the Godos is such a small target, it can be tricky hitting it in chest or back, but its far from impossible. Also, the Godos was designed to be easily customized, making for a number of interesting modifications on the market.

Lastly, it should be noted that the Godos is the younger brother of the full-sized Gojulas. So... maybe you should play nice with the Godos, lest big brother come and do the same with you.

Quad 30mm Beam Cannons:
The Godos has two sets of two 30mm Beam Cannons: one on either hip and one on either side of the tail. The tail-mounted two are actually easy to use to fire forwards, and can pivot up to 90 degrees upwards. The ones mounted to the hips are incapable of pivoting. All four are semiautomatic.

Dual 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons:
There are a pair of fixed cannons on the Godos’ back which points straight up, allowing it to shoot at passing aerial targets. Each shell explodes at a certain preset altitude (dialed in by the pilot from the cockpit) into a cloud of shrapnel, which can shred and tear wings. The fuses can be turned off, making them standard 20mm cannons, but why someone would want to do that is unclear. They can’t pivot, you see, so they’d be less effective if they weren’t flak weapons.

Special Abilities:
IR Sensors:
The Godos is equipped with standard infrared sensors, which allow it to track targets via their heat signature. The device that allows IR detection is mounted inside its head, near the cockpit -- which makes it illegal to shoot at in sanctioned Zoid battling. However, in open warfare, there’s a chance this sensor could be destroyed without destroying the Godos.