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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Godkaiser
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Tyrannosaurus
Registration Number: RPZ-19
Crew: 1
Height: 7.8 Meters
Length: 23.2 Meters
Weight: 85 Tons
Top Speed: 135 kph
Weapons: AZ100mm Beam Cannon, Triple 100mm Beam Cannon Cluster, Quad Defensive Cannons, Hardened Alloy Head Blade, Tail Blade, Teeth, and Claws.
Special Abilities: None.
Level: 4

The Godkaiser is a heavily armored and heavily armed Tyrannosaurus-typed Helic Republic Zoid. Oddly, most of its ranged weapons are pointing backwards, but most of its melee weapons are pointing forwards. Despite this, it’s proved itself to be fierce fighter, often used for urban combat and special operations. It’s actually a reasonably small Zoid for its armament, and the idea was it could be hard to detect in an urban environment.

It’s not particularly fast or maneuverable, but, as mentioned before, its heavily armed and armored. What it’s lacking in agility and performance is made up for in brute muscle. The Godkaiser can handle itself well at both range and melee, and is reasonably easy to modify and customize.

AZ100mm Beam Cannon:
The Godkaiser has one and only one forward facing ranged weapon: an AZ100mm Beam Cannon mounted to the top of its head. The weapon itself is semiautomatic and incapable of independent pivoting, but it can point anywhere the head can.

Triple 100mm Beam Cannon Cluster:
Mounted to the Godkaiser’s back is a cluster of three 100mm Beam Cannons. The three weapons can be fired all simultaneously or chain-linked, to simulate a fully automatic rate of fire. At any rate, they’re only semiautomatic independently, but boast a rather large 100mm caliber. They can even turn up to 90 degrees either right or left, but they can’t incline at all. Also, since they’re rear-facing, they don’t help the Godkaiser fight the enemy in front of it.

Quad Defensive Cannons:
Sitting on either leg of the Godkaiser, rear-facing, just above and inside the knee-joint are two Defensive Cannons, for a total of four. Basically, these are four radiation cannons, similar to ones found on the Dark Spiner. As previously stated, they’re rear-facing and semiautomatic, but their real power comes from the radiation bolts they fire. Each shot that lands bypasses armor (though its power declines the more armor it has to go through) and strikes at the internals directly, frying them and affecting Zoid performance. Several solid hits on exposed internals can actually stun a Zoid, but only at close range. This weapon becomes impotent at ranges over 250 meters and is really most effective at ranges under 150 meters. Note that these cannons can pivot up to 90 degrees up.

Hardened Alloy Head Blade, Tail Blade, Teeth, and Claws:
The Godkaiser has a diverse array of melee weapons to help it in close-quarters. Among these are a sharpened 3-meter head blade, a 5-meter tail blade, and a set of powerful teeth and claws. The blades are great for poking, slashing, and piercing, while the claws and teeth are more for ripping. The Godkaiser is a formidable opponent in melee, being extremely strong, and is known for being able to tear lesser Zoids apart.

Available Modifications: