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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Glidoler
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Duck
Registration Number: RMZ-02
Crew: 1
Height: 5.3 Meters
Length: 5.2 Meters
Weight: 3.9 Tons
Top Speed: Mach 1.0/1225 kph (air), Mach 2.3/2818 kph (air, rocket booster), 80 kph (land), 30 knots/56 kph (water)
Weapons: 20mm Beam Vulcan.
Special Abilities: Rocket Booster, Swimming.
Level: 1

Some Zoids can fly, some can run, and some can swim. The Glidoler is the only one that can do all three. While this duck-typed Zoid might seem like it has two massive feet, those are actually pontoons that allow it to float and swim. As for land travel, the pontoons have several massive wheels underneath them. The Glidoler also has two short, stubby wings, which allow it to fly. Lastly, this Zoid has an emergency rocket booster behind its back for the quick getaway.

Now, you may have noticed that the registration number of the Glidoler has the registration number RMZ-02. That seems low, doesn’t it? Yeah, it is. It was the second Zoid ever to enter the service of the Helic Republic. Which, by the way, means that its a certified, card-carrying piece of crap. Almost unarmored, and with substandard maneuverability in all three of its environments, and weapons more than a little lacking, the Glidoler has few conceivable uses. Being a Jack-of-All-Trades has its disadvantages.

20mm Beam Vulcan:
This is a fairly standard weapon, fixed forward on the Glidoler’s chest. It’s a 20mm Beam Vulcan, capable of putting out 20 rounds every second. It also works underwater, but that’s little solace if the Glidoler is actually unfortunate enough to encounter an enemy in the water.

Special Abilities:
Rocket Booster:
The Glidoler will, with surprising frequency, find that it need to extricate itself from various situations. This is what the Rocket Booster is for. For a full six seconds, the rocket booster propels the Glidoler to Mach 2.3, hopefully pushing it out of harm’s way. However, the rocket booster should only be used in the air. Use on the ground or in the water is almost assured instant destruction of the Zoid.

This duck-typed Zoid can swim at a slow pace of 30 knots, and can dive despite its pontoons. However, its speed and maneuverability are both terrible, so it had best hope that it doesn’t encounter any enemies while its taking a dip. Also, the Glidoler shouldn’t be taken below 100 meters.

Available Modifications: