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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Gilvader (aka “Gil Vader”)
Alignment: Zenebas Empire
Family: Wyvern
Registration Number: DBOZ-17
Crew: 1
Height: 16.7 Meters
Length: 43.2 Meters
Weight: 333 Tons
Top Speed: Mach 4.0/4,900 kph (air), 80 kph (land)
Weapons: Quad Gravity Cannons, AZ100mm Needle Gun Cluster, Quad AZ200mm Machine Cannons, Dual Twin Circular Saws, Twin Crasher Horns, Hardened Alloy Claws, Teeth, and Tail Blade.
Special Abilities: Radar Transparency, Magnetic Repulsion System.
Level: Zoid X

The fastest Zoid there is. Period. At Mach 4.0, the Gilvader can fly like the Wyvern/Dragon that it resembles. However, the Gilvader isn’t actually a dogfighter. It’s a powerful aerial assault Zoid, that was originally design by the Zenebas Empire to combat Mad Thunders and the Ultrasaurus. That’s right. To combat Mad Thunders and the Ultrasaurus. With a grand total of four full Gravity Cannons and a plethora of other weapons, the Gilvader is among the most dangerous Zoids ever to be brought into existence.

As far as other statistics go, the Gilvader is rather interesting. Despite its extremely fast top speed, its incredible bulk makes it one of the least maneuverable Zoids in the air. Only some of the dedicated bombers, like the Salamander, are less agile. However, the Gilvader has some of the thickest and toughest armor of any Zoid -- just a step or two below that of the Geno Breaker. On the ground, its maneuverability is no better, but it can still swat less Zoids aside like flies.

Quad Gravity Cannons:
The Gilvader’s main armament is a quartet of Gravity Cannons; two mounted to either wing. These cannons fire heavy planetellocite impacters, leading to their designation as “Gravity Cannons” or “Zoid Destroying” weapons. The heavy impact of the cannons, while not able to make a hyper-gravity field, will shatter even the thickest armor and send even the heaviest Zoids sprawling. Unfortunately, the weapons are fixed in place, and limited to firing once per round. A further disadvantage is that all four cannons draw from a main magazine that can only reload each cannon once -- for a total of 8 shots. However, those 8 shots are more than enough to down any conventional opponent, and can even inflict serious damage to a Banned Zoid. Remember, these were the weapons that were used to combat Mad Thunders.

AZ100mm Needle Gun Cluster:
Grouped together on the Gilvader’s neck, right under the cockpit, are a total of 10 odd looking spikes. These are actually just the loaded spikes currently in the barrels of the 10 spike cannons that the Gilvader possesses. Each is a full AZ100mm, designed to pierce, but not deal much surface damage. The cannons are fixed and semiautomatic, but be chain-linked to fire in an almost fully automatic manner. All 10 cannons draw from of collective ammunition stockpile -- which only contains 30 rounds (including the ones already loaded). After these rounds are expended, the Needle Gun Cluster must be reloaded.

Quad AZ200mm Machine Cannons:
One of the Gilvader’s most potent weapons is a set of four Quad AZ200mm Machine Cannons -- which have a much higher rate of fire than any cannon, but lower than any machinegun. Together, the four cannons put out a total of 20 rounds per second, making them exceedingly dangerous. However, they’re fixed facing forwards, and not the most accurate weapons in the world.

Dual Twin Circular Saws:
The Gilvader has a total of four large circular saws mounted on its body -- two on wings and two on either side of the base of the neck. These four saws spin at an extreme rate of speed, and can be charged with energy to increase their cutting power, much like the Strike Laser Claw. Note that using in midair will probably end in a crash, but if its subsonic, that not may be such a big concern for the Gilvader.

Twin Crasher Horns:
Mounted to either side of the Gilvader’s head is a long, curvy horn. These are Crasher Horns -- extremely tough and great for tossing lesser Zoids about. They’re not recommended for use in aerial combat, though.

Hardened Alloy Claws, Teeth, and Tail Blade:
If absolutely all else fails, the the Gilvader still has the basics. Claws, teeth, and a V-shaped tail blade, great for feral melee combat. Biting, ripping, slashing, tearing... whatever you need.

Special Abilities:
Radar Transparency:
To give the Gilvader that extra edge, the designers purposely systems to make it transparent to radar. This way, its extremely hard to detect the Gilvader and swoops down... like an eagle swooping at rats. The transparency systems are a combination of the curvature of the armor, the paint, and various internal systems, but it can be gotten rid of if the armor is completely blasted away in any one section. But, with Gilvader’s armor, that seems unlikely.

Magnetic Repulsion System:
The Gilvader has the unique ability to create a Magnetic Repulsion System by charging and spinning all of its circular saws at a certain frequency. Basically, the system briefly creates a field around the Gilvader that is capable of deflecting any solid objects that get near it, such as bullets, missiles, and other Zoids. (Beams, lasers, and charged particles are unaffected.) The Repulsion System can last for three seconds before the hypercapacitors that power it are drained of energy. During that time frame, its not recommended that the Gilvader fire any of its weapons. Doing so could be disastrous in effect. Lastly, after the hypercapacitors are drained, they won’t be recharged for several minutes -- essentially meaning that this ability can only be used once per battle.

Available Modifications: