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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Geruder
Alignment: Zenebas Empire
Family: Triceratops
Registration Number: EMZ-16
Crew: 1
Height: 4.5 Meters
Length: 10.7 Meters
Weight: 25 Tons
Top Speed: 200 kph
Weapons: Triple Impact Cannon.
Special Abilities: Twin Repulsion Cannons.
Level: 2

The Geruder was one of the earlier Zoids created by the Zenebas Empire, literally to lead the charge. Ironically, the Geruder is a Triceratops-typed Zoid, of the same family as the powerful Helic Mad Thunder, one of the main obstacles the Empire was eventually forced to overcome. However, the Triceratops design is extremely useful -- the head section is heavily armored and large enough to protect the main body of the Zoid. Several of these Zoids side-by-side form an effective phalanx, protecting the other Zoids behind them. However, this was long before the advent of the E-Shield -- its introduction led to the slow phasing out of the Geruder.

While now less popular, the Geruder is still as tough and stubborn as it always was. Featuring a powerful Triple Impact Cannon and Twin Repulsion Cannons, as well as the aforementioned armored head section, the Geruder can still handle many of the enemies thrown its way. However, despite thick armor covering its general frontal region, the Zoid’s flanks and rear are nowhere near as tough, and far more vulnerable. Another weakness of the Geruder is that its weapons are primarily short-ranged, but this can fixed with modifications.

Triple Impact Cannon:
The Geruder features a standard Triple Impact Cannon as its main weapon, capable of firing AZ60mm shells at a semiautomatic rate at distances up to 300 meters. The Geruder is unusual in that it carries the weapon in its head region, rather than on its undercarriage. Despite being exposed, the Triple Impact Cannon is coated in the same thick armor as the rest of the front of the Zoid, making it hard to destroy. As many Impact Cannons are, the Geruder’s is fixed facing forwards.

Special Abilities:
Twin Repulsion Cannons:
Sticking out of the Geruder’s face, on either side of the Triple Impact Cannon, are two Repulsion Cannons. Now, these weapons replaced what should have been the horns, and the Geruder is primarily used for close-range work and melee, so they much important. Indeed they are. You see, after these cannons spend two seconds charging (the Geruder need not stand still while they do), they possess the ability to repel other Zoids. Now, when a Zoid comes within 50 meters of a 30 degree arc in front of the Geruder’s charged Repulsion Cannons, they’ll be repelled away. The effect obviously varies with the weight of the repelled Zoid: a Rev Raptor might be flung dozens of meters, while a Dibison would only stumble and trip. After the Zoid is repelled, the Repulsion Cannons must be recharged before their ability is used again. Bullets and other rounds are unaffected by the Repulsion Cannons, but missiles, rockets, and mortars may accidentally set off the cannons.

If the Geruder spends a full 6 seconds charging the Repulsion Cannons, they enter a state called “overcharge”. After the Repulsion Cannons are overcharged, they will, for the next three seconds, continuously repel anything that enters the 30 degree arc, without losing charge. This includes solid bullets, missiles, and the like (but not charged particles, beams, or lasers). This allows the Geruder to repeated fling something, and deal a goodly amount of damage. It’s not recommended that the Geruder fire its own weapons during the overcharge period. Lastly, after the overcharge, the Repulsion Cannons burn out, and are unusable for the rest of the battle. Furthermore, the Geruder either begins the standard charging process or begins the overcharging process (ie: if something enters the 30 degree arc after 2 seconds of charging for overcharge, it won’t be flung).

Available Modifications: