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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Geno Breaker
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Tyrannosaurus
Registration Number: EZ-034
Crew: 1
Height: 13.7 Meters
Length: 23 Meters
Weight: 137.5 Tons
Top Speed: 345 kph (hovering), 170 kph (running)
Weapons: Twin AZ140mm Special Impact Cannons, Twin 80mm Special Cannons, Dual EMP Missile Pods, Laser Head Blade, Hyper Strike Claws.
Special Abilities: Super Charged Particle Gun, Frontal Hyper E-Shield, Dual X-Breaker Claws, Composite Sensory Unit.
Level: Zoid X

Nothing says “WE WILL BURY YOU!” quite like a Geno Breaker does. Probably among the first Zoids recognized as Zoid Xs, the Geno Breaker is a radical evolution of the Geno Saurer. Though essentially impossible to mass produce, they were originally discovered and manufactured by the Guylos Empire and given to top officers. It’s said that the very first Geno Breaker was created and owned by a mysterious former Guylos special forces operative, but little is known about this particular point.

Ironically, the Geno Breaker is among the least well armed ZXes out there, boasting only two missile pods, four rather normal-looking cannons, and a Super Charged Particle Gun for ranged combat. It makes up for this in melee, though. The Dual X-Breaker Claws are practically legendary, and are capable of tearing even the toughest opponents limb from limb. Also, the Geno Breaker is among the toughest Zoid Xs around, and has a powerful Hyper E-Shield to defend it. Furthermore, the Geno Breaker has a booster pack in either leg which allows it to hover and strafe. This also means it need not bother itself with its footlocks (though it has them, if it needs them).

Still, for all its strengths, the Geno Breaker’ rear is totally unprotected. All of its weapon, melee and ranged, as well its Hyper E-Shield, face forwards. However, there are few Zoids that could survive attacking a Geno Breaker of them from behind. Geno Breakers have been recorded as destroying entire armored divisions, and they didn’t gain the reputation of being nigh-on invincible because they fall down dead if shot in the back.

As one last note, the Geno Breaker’s cockpit is buried deep inside its chest, like the Geno Saurer’s. This makes it hard to take down even in warfare, as you no longer have that one “cheap shot” where you can just shoot the pilot and call it done.

Twin AZ140mm Special Impact Cannons:
Located on either of the Geno Breaker’s legs, near the knee joint, is an AZ140mm Impact Cannon. Now, astute observers may have by now noticed the words “twin” and “special”, whereas usually the word “dual” and no modifier such as “special” are used. This is because the Geno Breaker’s are separate from each other, which is unusual for impact cannons. As for “special”, well, that’s a longer story. You see, the Geno Breaker’s Impact Cannons have an extended maximum range of 500 meters, and deal considerably more damage than even their large caliber would suggest. Given that they’re semiautomatic, these two weapons can down most Zoids in a few seconds. Interestingly, these are also among the only Impact Cannons that can pivot, capable of inclining up to 60 degrees up or down. Still, they’re a little substandard for a ZX.

Twin 80mm Special Cannons:
Bah. What’s a Geno Breaker doing with a puny 80mm cannon? Give me a moment. The 80mm Special Cannons each are mounted on the legs, just below the Special Impact Cannons. (They’re on the same mount, in fact.) They’re semiautomatic, but boast the improved damage and hitting power comparable to a much larger round. However, they sacrificed penetration for this, meaning that the rounds deal massive surface and structural damage, but do little to actually go through armor. On the plus side, they can knock around and actually topple lighter Zoids. Lastly, note that these cannons always aim at the same place as the AZ140mm Special Impact Cannon that it shares a mount with.

Dual EMP Missile Pods:
All of the Geno Breaker’s ranged weapons are mounted on the leg joints, and the missiles are no exception to this rule. On the side of the Special Cannon’s shared mount sits a concealed missile pod. Each pod has four apparent tubes, and can fire any number from 1 to 4 from either or both pods at a single time. These missiles are standard multipurpose -- meaning that they can lock onto and hit both surface and aerial targets, with one catch: the warhead. When these missiles hit, they release a powerful EMP burst, which fries internals and circuitry in the area of impact, lagging and stalling the bodypart. While 1 or 2 missile impacts might be merely annoying, all 8 together could be lethal. If that wasn’t enough, the Geno Breaker can reload both pods once from internal stores, but this process takes 3 seconds are requires the ‘Breaker to relock.

Laser Head Blade:
You may have noticed the blade ontop of the Geno Breaker’s head. It’s not just for show (though, given the number of melee weapons the Geno Breaker has, it could be). In addition to being plenty sharp on its own, the Geno Breaker can charge it with energy, roughly to the same sharpness the Blade Liger has for its own Laser Blades. While the blade is fixed at roughly a 45 degree angle, it can still be used for goring, slashing, and piercing.

Hyper Strike Claws:
Most don’t notice the Geno Breaker’s claws, as they’re busy staring at the giant pincer claws. However, the Geno Breaker does have them, and they’re extremely sharp and pointy. The arms they’re attached to look stubby and a bit weak, but both arms are extremely tough. The Hyper Strike Claws themselves are the finest that uncharged weaponry has to offer, capable of ripping and tearing much better than your average claw.

Special Abilities:
Super Charged Particle Gun:
Need it be said? This is the Geno Breaker’s main cannon, and is extremely potent. Located in the mouth, the Super Charge Particle Gun is capable of annihilating almost anything that’s unlucky enough to be in its path. The Geno Breaker, much like the Death Stinger, is lucky in that its SCPG is free-firing. It can use its leg boosters to counteract the kickback of the weapon, allowing the ‘Breaker move and turn while firing. However, it does have footlocks if it needs ‘em.

Frontal Hyper E-Shield:
The Frontal Hyper E-Shield is generated by the Geno Breaker connecting its X-Breaker Claws and channeling its energy through them. It is as powerful as a standard Hyper E-Shield, meaning that it can quite literally absorb a full SCPG blast before failing. Also, it covers the Geno Breaker’s entire body from the front and sides (but not rear), and gets weaker the further from the generators it is.

Dual X-Breaker Claws:
The signature weapons of the Geno Breaker are two giant pincers mounted to either of its shoulders. Each claw is absolutely massive, and near invincible, capable of outright crushing some Zoids. They can also shoot out on 50 meter long steel cables, grab enemies, and drag them closer to Geno Breaker. The cables themselves aren’t nearly as invincible as the claws, and can be snapped or broken with some work. However, that might pose a problem for the Zoid being grabbed, as the entire process can be very fast. Note, however, that the X-Breaker Claws are unable to deliver an electric shock, like the Geno Saurer’s claws.

Composite Sensory Unit:
Just so you know that there’s no place to hide, the Geno Breaker possesses a Composite Sensory Unit. This unit allows it use 3D Doppler Radar and IR scanning to track its opponents. The sensors themselves are spread around the body, giving the Composite Sensory Unit and excellent range of vision, and making it hard to destroy. Only the most fortunate of Zoids can hide themselves from both the IR and Radar and make an escape.

Available Modifications: