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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Garius
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Tyrannosaurus
Registration Number: RMZ-01
Crew: 1
Height: 8.6 Meters
Length: 6.5 Meters
Weight: 25 Tons
Top Speed: 270 kph
Weapons: Dual 35mm Maxter Beam Cannons, Grenade Launcher, Crusher Vice Claws.
Special Abilities: None.
Level: 1

Wow. The Garius. The very first Zoid ever to enter service of the Helic Republic, and therefore the first Zoid to enter the service of any human armed force on Zi. This one has a history, you can be sure. It’s a protozoid, meaning that it existed wild on the planet long before humans ever arrived.

When it was introduced, the Garius revolutionized warfare. The introduction of Zoids to armed combat changed the way that humans thought about Zi. However, times have passed the Garius by, and its now seen as a lightly armed, lightly armored, and mostly harmless wild Zoid. While large and heavily armored, its seen as a museum piece, little more than a ghost of the past. However, this has the advantage of making them extremely cheap. And though the guns might not be large, the appearance of a Tyrannosaurus never hurt. Also, the Garius is extremely fast and maneuverable for its size.

Dual 35mm Maxter Beam Cannons:
The Garius’ main weapons are a pair of semiautomatic 35mm Maxter Beam Cannons, mounted to either side of the main body, which can incline up to 90 degrees up or down, but not at all outwards. Now, the “Maxter” designation means that use a special design to increase power and maximize damage, moderately improving both damage and penetration. They’re still not as good as AZ weapons, though.

Grenade Launcher:
Interestingly, the Garius has a reasonably powerful grenade launcher attached to its chest. While the launcher might have aged, the ammunition is still up to date, and the Garius can lob out explosives at a semiautomatic rate. Each grenade has roughly a 10-meter blast radius, making this actually something of a serious weapon. However, it has a maximum range of only 250 meters even using inclination to create a parabolic arc. The launcher itself can pivot up to 45 degrees up to help with the arcing.

Crusher Vice Claws:
The Garius was the only Zoid at the time it was inducted into the Helic Army, but it was certainly used to fighting its peers out in the open. For those times when it ended up in melee combat, the Garius has two Crusher Vice Claws, mounted on the end of each of its arms. These claws can, with constant pressure, crush and CSF extremely light Zoids, like the Garagantula. However, the Garius can only lift up to 25 tons (its own weight) and requires considerable time to crush that.

Available Modifications: