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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Energy Liger (Imitate)
Alignment: Neo-Zenebas Empire
Family: Liger
Registration Number: EZ-072
Crew: 1
Height: 12 Meters
Length: 28 Meters
Weight: 160 Tons
Top Speed: 330 kph (running), Mach .54/660 kph (flying)
Weapons: Charged Hybrid Vulcan, Charged Double-Barreled Energy Cannon, AZ X-Blade, Gungnir Horn, Charged Claws, Energy Wings.
Special Abilities: Energy Charger.
Level: Zoid X

The Energy Liger is a Zoid fit for an emperor. I’m not even kidding. The original Energy Liger was built an unimaginable cost for none other than one rather ambitious Neo-Zenebas Emperor. You see, this emperor wanted to be on the front lines with his generals, fighting the Helic Republic and carrying on the great Zenebas tradition of its leaders going toe-to-toe with the enemies of the Empire. And by “great” tradition, we mean “newly established”.

Anyway, this young and foolhardy Emperor wanted a Zoid fit for his piloting “skills”. He authorized the development and construction of an ultimate Zoid, something that even an Emperor would be proud to charge into battle in. The R&D costs alone of the Energy Liger were in the millions, and there was no way it could be mass produced. The Neo-Zenebas Empire could, however, produce one. One Zoid with extremely thick armor, far beyond any Zoid X, ridiculously high performance and great agility, a unique Energy Charger system, absurdly powerful weapons, and flight capability... the list went on and on...

As a finishing touch, the Neo-Zenebas techs permanently bonded an Organoid to the Zoid Core, officially making the Emperor’s Energy Liger an Ultimate X. The ‘Liger immediately developed a noble personality, assuming a strong will and sense of duty towards the Empire. It knew and understood that it was one of a kind, a Zoid designed for the Emperor alone, and no other. And the Emperor himself, hearing of the success, flew out of meet his new partner for the first time.

Now, the entire Energy Liger project had been conducted on the Eastern Continent -- far away from prying eyes -- in the utmost secrecy. However, a Helic spy had gotten wind of the plan and tipped off the Helic Republic. The Emperor managed to dodge death, somehow, as he landed and entered the base. However, as he emerged, proudly piloting the new Energy Liger, a Helic sniper opened fire, and a specially designed round pierced the ‘Liger’s cockpit, instantly killing the Emperor. The Energy Liger went somewhat berserk, returning fire, destroying the enemy Zoid, the hill behind, and the friendly base behind the hill. The Energy Liger then vanished into legend, but its said that the Ultimate X still roams the Eastern Continent.

Obviously, this is not the technical data of that Zoid. The Emperor’s successor, looking at the bill the Energy Liger project had run up and how stupidly his predecessor had died, order that the recently deceased Emperor be dishonored. His name was striken from every record, and was forbidden to be spoken (which is why I haven’t called him by name). There wasn’t even an attempt to recover his corpse, which is presumably still inside the ‘Liger’s cockpit. The designs and plans for the Energy Liger were classified, and left in various databases across the Neo-Zenebas MILNET.

The Neo-Zenebas Empire crumbled, as all empires do with time. Eventually, the Zoid Battle Commission replaced it, and the ZBC decided to root through the old bones of its predecessor. Rummaging through old military servers, a few Commission techies came across the plans for something called “Energy Liger”. Naturally, they’d never heard of it (the project having been dishonored with the dead Emperor), and passed the files onto other departments.

Eventually, ZBC engineers realized that this was a powerful but impractically built Zoid. A cheaper, easier-to-produce version could be concocted without too much trouble. So they threw out the Organoid System, the thick armor, the ridiculous performance, and powered down the charger system. The result was a Zoid with average ZX armor, flight capabilities, extremely good performance and agility, and decent ZX-grade weaponry. Now, these lesser versions of the Energy Liger have been disseminated amongst the world militaries and the private pilots.

Charged Hybrid Vulcan:
The Charged Hybrid Vulcan is one of the Energy Liger’s two main weapons, mounted to the Zoid’s left leg. Being a fully automatic vulcan, its perfect for drowning your opponents in a storm of fire. That’s not even a joke, given that the Charged Hybrid Vulcan releases a veritable storm of 50 AZ60mm shots every second. It’s the same “Hybrid” technology that gives the Dark Horn’s main gun such a high rate of fire, so this is nothing new. What is a little different is that each round the Vulcan fires mildly electrically charged rounds, which causes Zoids hit by one to lag imperceptibly. That’s if its hit by one. If its hit by many, the lag and shocking effect become both serious and readily apparent. While the impacts and damage will down a Zoid long before the charge, this is a useful ability for the vulcan to have. Lastly, note that the Hybrid Vulcan can pivot up to 45 degrees up.

Charged Double-Barreled Energy Cannon:
Mounted on the Energy Liger’s right leg is a odd protrusion, with what appear to be two rather large barrels. This is actually a Charged Double-Barreled Energy Cannon, which is a rather fierce-looking weapon fixed in position. Each are AZ200mm Beam Cannons, which sounds big but isn’t terribly impressive for a Zoid X. Well, the Energy Liger has one other trick up its sleeve. Each shot (from each barrel) that hits stuns the Zoid it hits for a full second. This makes it a popular trick to hit with the first barrel, then immediately shoot and hit with the second barrel. However, the cannons can only fire once every 3 seconds, so use them carefully.

AZ X-Blade:
Mounted directly behind the Gungnil Horn on the Zoid’s head, the AZ X-Blade is an extremely potent melee weapon. Uncharged, the Blade is super-sharpened and specially designed to pierce Zoid armor, making it almost twice as effective as normal. That’s uncharged. Charged with energy from the Energy Charger (I never would have guessed), its a dangerous weapon capable of slicing through a Zoid like a meat cleaver through gas. However, because of its positioning behind the Gungnil Horn, it can be tricky to use.

Gungnil Horn:
The Gungnil Horn is mounted on the Energy Liger’s head, right in front of the AZ X-Blade. The Gungnil Horn, like the AZ X-Blade is super-sharp, and can easily cut through Zoid armor when charged. However, the sides aren’t really sharpened, but the point is extremely good at stabbing and penetrating. It can also be used as a bludgeoning weapon, but is far less effective at that. Note that the AZ X-Blade is better for the slashing work, the Gungnil Horn is really for lancing.

Charged Claws:
The Energy Liger has four good claws, and any of them can siphon power from the Energy Charger to increase their cutting power, much like the Strike Laser Claw. However, these are exceptionally powerful, roughly 25% moreso than a Liger Zero’s own Strike Laser Claw.

Energy Wings:
To facilitate its flying ability, the Energy Liger has two wings on either side of its body, which are mounted on either side of its back when its not in use. When they are in use, the fold outwards, each a full 14 meters in length. Oddly, while they’re used for flight, both wings have a number of holes and various crevices in them that makes them look unsuitable for that purpose. This is because they require energy from the Energy Charger to actually form wings; unaided, they’re little more than ornaments. Also, these wings have the unique ability to double as blades when charged; they’re comparable to the Laser Blades on a Blade Liger nearer the base. Lastly, note that the Energy Wings are not at all fragile, and can absorb a great deal of fire before failing.

Special Abilities:
Energy Charger:
The Energy Liger possesses this curious device to supply special energy and charge to its weapons, both ranged and melee, and to its wings for flight purposes. While its more or less bonded to the Zoid Core, making it damn near impossible to shoot off, it can burn out under certain circumstances. ((Often involving severe shocking of the Energy Liger during a high energy consumption period.)) If the Energy Charger is somehow disabled, the Energy Liger can’t fly, nor can it supply charge to any of its weapons.

Available Modifications: