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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Elephantus
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Elephant
Registration Number: RMZ-03
Crew: 1
Height: 4 Meters
Length: 8.3 Meters
Weight: 17.7 Tons
Top Speed: 95 kph
Weapons:Dual 35mm Beam Cannons, Dual Guided Heavy Anti-Ground Missiles, Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher
Special Abilities: 3D Doppler Radar.
Level: 1

There was a point in time when the Elephantus was considered to be a large-scale Zoid. Obviously, no longer. That period of time was when the Helic Republic was initially formed. You see, the Elephantus is among the ranks of what are called “protozoids”, which were Zoids that were already present in the wild when Zi was originally settled by humans. The Helic Republic didn’t start out producing Zoids at all, they just took in whatever they could fine around them.

The Elephantus was considered to be large and powerful... for the time. It was definitely designed for war, and inspired the Elephander design, but its extremely dated in the modern age. It had thick armor... for the time. Now, the Elephantus’ so called “tough” plating is considered to be extremely light, and its weapons are little more than popguns compared to the modern variants. The only reason why anyone at all even uses the Elephantus is because they’re found wild and don’t need to be manufactured, making them extremely inexpensive.

Dual 35mm Beam Cannons:
These are the Elephantus’ natural born and bred weapons: a pair of semiautomatic 35mm Beam Cannons, located directly underneath the head. They’re capable of pivoting 30 degrees up or down, and are standard in most respects. Beam weapons haven’t changed much over the years, it seems. However, these two cannons seem to be near where the tusks would be on a normal elephant, so one wonders if these replaced the original melee weapons that might have been there.

Dual Guided Heavy Anti-Ground Missiles:
There’s a Guided Heavy AGM situation on either side of the Elephantus, possible the only semi-current weapon the Zoid has. They’re heavy AGMs, meaning they have twice the payload of a standard missile. However, because the tracking system is so old and outdated, the Elephantus takes 1.5 times the normal time to lock on, and the missile’s tracking isn’t as good. The pods themselves can only pivot up to 90 degrees up or down to track a target, not

Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher:
The Elephantus’ AA capabilities were, at the time, considered to be extremely sophisticated. The Zoid possesses a Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher on its back, capable of 360 degree horizontal rotation and up to 90 degree inclination upwards, allowing the launcher to point essentially anywhere above the Zoid. However, this was back in the good old days, when 1 missile was enough to destroy an aerial Zoid. As such, the Elephantus only carries 1 missile inside the launcher. After that, it has to reload to fire another Surface-to-Air Missile. Also, lock-on is 1.5 times the norm due to the extremely outdate tracking system.

Special Abilities:
3D Doppler Radar:
The Elephantus possessed a 3D Doppler Radar system -- at the time, a seemingly ingenious innovation in military technology. The radar, which is an integrated part of the back-mounted Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher, allows the Elephantus to map terrain and see outwards as far as 200 meters. Not exactly impressive by modern standards, but a boon nonetheless.

Available Modifications: