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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Dragoon Nest
Alignment: Formerly Guylos Empire (now everyone)
Family: Lobster
Registration Number: EZ-097
Height: 40 Meters
Length: 136.0 Meters
Weight: 3650 Tons (unloaded)
Top Speed: 150 kph (land), 120 knots/222 kph (water)
Weapons: Twin Heavy AZ Torpedo Launchers, Hardened Alloy Claws.
Special Abilities: Zoid Carrying, Swimming.
Cost: $225,000
Level: Transport

Bridge Crew: 4 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Gunnery Sergeant/Tactical Officer, Chief of Operations)
Minimum Crew Requirements: 1
Standard Crew: 14
Maximum Personnel: 32 ((That can be continuously supported and sustained by the Dragoon Nest.))

The Dragoon Nest is actually among the most recent transports to be developed, and is the biggest transport of the “small three” (the Gustav, Hover Cargo, and Dragoon Nest). It was originally developed and used by the legendary Guylos Eisen Dragoons, who fought for the Imperium before and during its collapse, and then fought to build the Neo-Zenebas Empire as the old Guylos one lay around them in ashes. Though the history of Eisen Dragoons isn’t exactly noble (the unit was originally formed by Gunther Prozen to help him execute his failed coup), the most material part of their legacy is the Dragoon Nest.

At first glance, this transport may not seem at all impressive. It’s large, bulky, and not necessarily asthetically pleasing. It does, however, have a few advantages over its terrestrial brother, the Hover Cargo. Firstly, it’s a dedicated aquatic transport (though it can scuttle on land), used by the Dragoons for covert water landings. Secondly, it has a greater capacity than the Hover Cargo, capable of carrying a full 8 Zoids. Thirdly, the Dragoon Nest is the largest transport that can be operated for long periods of time by a single person. Fourthly, the Dragoon Nest was built entirely for combat, and is covered with an extremely thick coat of armor. This armor plating is only a few notches below the stuff found on the Gustav or the Great Whale King, so the Dragoon Nest can survive almost any punishment the world decides to throw at it. There’s quite a price tag attached, but you can bet your bottom dollar that the Dragoon Nest will get you where you’re trying to go safely.

Twin Heavy AZ Torpedo Launchers:
As far as combat in the water goes, the Dragoon Nest is probably the only Zoid that could give the Hammer Kaiser a run for its money. The reason for that statement is a pair of tubes located right underneath the Dragoon Nest’s head. Both pods are missile/torpedo pods, and both pods have a separate missile launchers/torpedo tubes. Underwater, they use active sonar to lock onto another aquatic target (which they need not do in their tubes, launch ‘em and they’ll do it on their own). Once launched, they’re slow-moving, but relatively well-armored and able to track and home in on a target for kilometers if necessary. Also, since they’re Heavy AZ, they have roughly four times the damaging potential of a standard missile. Out of water, they lock on like any other multipurpose missiles, and are fired as normal as well. (They can lock onto both aerial and ground targets, but it takes 1.5 times as long to lock on as a standard missile.) The mechanics of the switch are very simple; they must deactivate the turbine and turn on a rocket booster. Also, they still have four times the explosive power while in the air. As a final note, the Dragoon Nest stores a nearly infinite number of reloads for this weapon, and the reloading process takes 3 seconds.

Hardened Alloy Claws:
Like any lobster, the Dragoon Nest has a pair of two powerful claws. It’s not at all wise to get too close to the Dragoon Nest, because these are more than capable of crushing any conventional or production Zoid (maybe not some of the Zoid Xs) in a single pincing action. They also happen to each contain one the Dragoon Nest’s two smaller bays, and each have magnetic launch rails as a result. This can result in some interesting and comical uses which fall outside the realm of standard melee. However, even if controlled by a by-the-book pilot, the Dragoon Nest is an exceptionally dangerous Zoid in close-quarters.

Special Abilities:
Zoid Carrying:
The Dragoon Nest can carry, maintain, and service up to 8 Zoids: two in either claw and four in the main body. The Dragoon Nest also has four entrance/exit points: one in the chest, one in the mouth, and one in each claw. Each claw and the mouth also are equipped with a magnetic launch rail. The launch rails are an interesting piece of equipment, being able to use an electromagnetic field to fire out Zoids, land or aquatic, at almost any speed they desire. However, for all its entrances and exits, the Dragoon Nest lacks a repair bay. Pilots have the right environment to take the do-it-yourself approach, but the dedicated maintenance center doesn’t include heavy-duty repair equipment. Note that the Dragoon Nest is restricted to Zoids of Level 1-4 while in its stock form, but can be upgraded with more advanced facilities for larger, heavier, and more advanced Zoids.

Like any lobster, the Dragoon Nest can swim. The handling is actually quite good under water, roughly on par with the Hammer Kaiser, and the Dragoon Nest can keep a brisk pace of 120 knots. The Dragoon Nest also has a crush depth of 3 kilometers, as deep as that of a Whale King. Being a dedicated aquatic transport, the Dragoon Nest is fully compartmentalized, and can seal off an affected area in case of a hull breach. It’s also a fairly simple process to make beach landings in a Dragoon Nest: it just scuttles out of the water and onto the land.

Available Modifications: