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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Dibison
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Bison
Registration Number: RZ-031
Crew: 1-2
Height: 10.8
Length: 20.6
Weight: 230 Tons
Top Speed: 130 kph
Weapons: Mortar Cannon Array, Dual Eight-Shot Missile Pods, Improved Triple Impact Cannon, Dual AZ35mm Machineguns, Dual 60mm Pulse Beam Cannon, Crasher Horns and Hooves.
Special Abilities: Megalo-Max Blast, 3D Radar Targeting System.
Level: 5

The Dibison is one of the old and most recognized workhorses of the Helic Republic, packed with heavy weapons, but still retaining good maneuverability. At 230 tons, the Dibison is definitely a heavyweight, with the matching armor, on par with a Gojulas’. It also boasts a full 17 105mm Mortar Cannons, in addition to 16 missiles and various other armaments. Despite all this, and a relatively slow speed, the Dibison is actually high performance, allowing it enjoy a measure of maneuverability and agility that other Zoids of its class lack.

Aside from that, the Dibison is known for real rough-and-tough types, and has a little bit of spunk itself. Indeed, this Zoid has gained a little bit of notoriety for its attitude: the words “Burnout!” famously appear on the targeting console whenever the Megalo-Max or Mortar Array are about to be used.

Mortar Cannon Array:
The Dibison’s main weapons, a series of 17 105mm Mortar Cannons, is prominently display and flaunted on its back. This massive amount of firepower is split into three segments: a central array of 9 mortars, and two smaller 4-mortar arrays on either side. The central mortar array can pivot up to 10 degrees up or down, and the side arrays can pivot up to 10 degrees outwards. Also, all of the mortars can be either fired simultaneously, or chain-linked to fire in series. Each cannon can only fire once every two seconds, but together, the array is a massive amount of firepower. Also, its well armored, protecting by some of the Dibison’s own back armor, and thick plating around ever mortar in the array. Note that due to its unique construction, it doesn’t really have a minimum range, and maximum range is over 750 meters.

Dual Eight-Shot Missile Pods:
Though they look almost ornamental, there sits an Eight-Shot Missile Pod on either side of the Dibison’s face. They’re standard Guided Anti-Ground Missiles, and can lock onto any Zoid that the Dibison cares to point its head at. The pods themselves can’t pivot, though.

Improved Triple Impact Cannon:
The Dibison carries a Triple Impact Cannon, with standard AZ60mm shells, capable of shattering even the toughest of armor in just a few volleys. They’re semiautomatic as well, so what makes them “improved”? The answer lies in the barrel design, which gives the the edge over the standard TIC, such as that found on the Zaber Fang or Shield Liger. Be it noted, though, they’re still restricted to a 300 meter range.

Dual AZ35mm Machineguns:
There is a rear-facing AZ35mm Machinegun mounted to either side of the Dibison’s tail, allowing to ward off attackers from behind. Being fully automatic, each of these two puts out rounds at a rate of almost 25/second, making them not a weapon to underestimated. However, they can’t pivot, and limited to shooting whatever the tail is pointing at.

Dual 60mm Pulse Beam Cannons:
Mounted right underneath the Mortar Cannon Array sit two 60mm pulse beam cannons, which spew out rounds at a fully automatic 10 rounds/second each. The high rate of fire makes them potent weapons, even if they are dwarfed by the Mortar Array. They capable of pivoting 10 degrees up or down independently of the central mortars.

Crasher Horns and Hooves:
Two of the Dibison’s most prominently displayed melee weapons are the horns and the hooves. The horns are the more usable of the two, easily able to throw lighter Zoids. Though a full speed charge will send damn near anything flying, a common tactic is to lower the Dibison’s head against a enemy charge, and then buck up and send the enemy flying. Obviously, this is easier for lighter Zoids, but near-impossible for heavier ones, like the Blade Liger. If you’re particularly fancy, you might even try taking a few potshots while your enemy is in the air, but this is hard to pull off. The hooves complement the horns, but are primarily used for kicking and trampling, not head-on combat.

Special Abilities:
Megalo-Max Blast:
The Megalo-Max Blast is one of the most interesting weapons available to the Dibison. In order to use the Megalo-Max, the Dibison must have at least 1 Mortar Cannon intact, but the power of the attack will decrease with each lost barrel. If its a sanctioned Zoid Battle, this superweapon may not be used during the first round of combat. Anyway, the Megalo-Max Blast requires a single second to charge up. After that, a stream of fire errupts from all of the cannon barrels at once, intertwining and becoming a single burst. The pilot then picks some radius between 10 and 100 meters, and a location to center it around. The radius is the blast radius (power per unit area decreases with a greater radius). The most concentrated version, the 10 meter radius one, can only be survived by the very toughest of Zoids if the Dibison has all of its mortar cannons intact. The most dispersed one does far, far less damage, but is great for hitting moving targets. In either case, the Megalo-Max Blast can only be used once during a sanctioned Zoid Battle. (All’s still fair in war, though.)

3D Radar Targeting System:
The Dibison was built with a 3D Radar Targeting System to help it aim its massive Mortar Array and Megalo-Max Blast. The system is split into two armored hubs: one of the left flank of the Dibison and one on the right. It uses 3D Doppler Radar to track targets, and then can be used to auto-adjust weapons to hit said targets, giving a 20% increase in accuracy. ((Each hub gives +10%.)) Note that it can be used as a regular 3D Doppler Radar sensor as well, and the data, but not the accuracy boost, can be transmitted to teammates.