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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Death Stinger
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Sea Scorpion
Registration Number: EZ-036
Crew: 1
Height: 4.6 Meters (tail completely lowered) - 10.7 Meters (tail completely raised)
Length: 28.8 Meters (tail completely lowered) - 19.4 Meters (tail completely raised)
Weight: 320 Tons
Top Speed: 185 kph (land), 72 knots/133kph (water)
Weapons: AZ930mm Mega Dual Impact Cannon, Quad AZ120mm Hyper Energy Guns, Quad AZ35mm Vulcan Guns, Dual AZ105mm Artillery Cannons, Strike Laser Pincers, Blades, and Fangs.
Special Abilities: Super Charged Particle Gun, Full-Body Hyper E-Shield, Dual Rocket Boosters, Swimming.
Level: Zoid X

The Death Stinger is one of the most powerful Zoids ever created, boasting one of the strongest arsenal of weapons and some of the thickest armor around, even for a Zoid X. Being able to take as much punishment as a Geno Breaker and still keep right on ticking, and equipped with a powerful Super Charged Particle Gun, the Death Stinger is an opponent that you won’t survive underestimating.

Until very recently more than one of these Zoids have never existed at a single time, and it has made only two appearances in recorded history. The first was back in the days of yore, when it was supposedly first created or resurrected by a man named Hiltz. The Death Stinger, combined with a personal army that Hiltz had amassed, ran amok around the globe, destroying cities and drawing the wrath of both the Helic Republic and the Guylos Empire.

After a long series of battles, the Death Stinger (which had merged with a Death Saurer) finally was destroyed by international forces. And so, the story of this awesome passed into legend and folklore, only actual geological evidence of its Super Charged Particle Gun blasts keeping the myth alive. Over the long centuries, the story of the Death Stinger was reduced to scaring small children into behaving well. Until the Backdraft somehow managed to manufacture one, that is.

Though the second Death Stinger has not yet been destroyed, the Zi Coalition Forces have managed to secure the technical specifications and manufacturing details of this powerful Zoid. They’ve produced several copies as best they can. The armor and weapons systems are weaker than the original, but this beast they’d created is almost an exact replica of the original Death Stinger that Hiltz used to devastate the world.

Though this Zoid has a powerful independent will and strong urge to destroy, it now serves the pilot, rather than the reverse. Therefore, several world militaries have taken interest in the Death Stinger, and a select few civilian and military pilots have or will receive Death Stingers to use in the sanctioned Zoid Battling circuit, and in the field. After all, the Death Stinger is no longer the mindless, merciless, legendary killing machine of old. Hopefully.

AZ930mm Mega Dual Impact Cannon:
As you can tell from the caliber, this weapon alone might well have classified the Death Stinger as a Zoid X, if it didn’t have any others. Unfortunately for the enemies of the Death Stinger, it has this and a plethora of other armaments ready and willing to bury them. Anyway, the AZ930mm Mega Dual Impact Cannon is nearly capable of downing an unshielded Blade Liger in a single shot from one barrel. Both barrels together can nearly down a Hyper E-Shield. Fortunately for the enemies of the Death Stinger, the AZ930mm Mega Dual Impact Cannon has a maximum range of 250 meters, is fixed facing forward, and can fire each barrel only once every 6 seconds. However, the Death Stinger can easily incline its body to aim better, and it need not fire the Mega Dual Impact Cannon barrels together.

Quad AZ120mm Hyper Energy Guns:
As it would so happen, there are four AZ120mm Hyper Energy Guns (two beam and two laser), mounted in pairs (1 beam and 1 laser) to either side of the Death Stinger’s tail-mounted Super Charged Particle Cannon. Each pair can be rotated outwards by a full 90 degrees, but each pair must rotate together. However, the tail itself is very flexible and can point almost anywhere, so they’re actually damn near omnidirectional. Note also that these four weapons are all semiautomatic, and boast improved accuracy and a much stronger impact and damage than even their large caliber suggests.

Quad AZ35mm Vulcan Guns:
There are a grand total of four AZ35mm Vulcans mounted in pairs to either side of the Death Stinger’s massive head. They spew out solid shots at a rate of 12/second each, so they’re powerful despite their small caliber. They can’t pivot at all themselves, but the Death Stinger’s flexible multi-legged construction allows them to shoot at many targets that you wouldn’t think they could manage to point at.

Dual AZ105mm Artillery Cannons:
Underneath two armor large armor plates mounted on either large claw is an AZ105mm Artillery Cannon, which can from time to time emerge from its hidey-hole and fire. Though these weapons can be used (due to their unique positioning) as direct-fire cannons, they’re really much better at long-ranged combat. Though their positioning may seem odd, they’re on independent turret mounts, capable of rotating 90 degrees on both the horizontal and vertical axises, allowing them to shoot without inhibiting the claws. They’re semiautomatic, but operate like impact cannons of the equivalent caliber, making them valuable weapons.

Strike Laser Pincers, Blades, and Fangs:
Roughly every melee weapon the Death Stinger has can be charged with energy, making it more effective at cutting. The charge improves the cutting ability roughly as much as the Strike Laser Claw does with a normal claw, given that they use the same system. Now, the Death Stinger has two large pincers which it uses to crush lesser Zoids. It can nearly snap many Zoids in two without being charged; it’s positively deadly at close range when its charged. The pincers also each have a retractable blade in them, which allows them to slice and dice as well as crush. Lastly, the Death Stinger actually does have a mouth, which are accompanied by a rather sharp set of teeth. Though they’re too larger and clumsy for precision work, the Death Stinger has never said “no” to a midday Zoid snack.

Special Abilities:
Super Charged Particle Gun:
The Death Stinger’s main weapon is the Super Charged Particle Gun, located on its tail. The Stinger’s low center of gravity makes the weapon almost free-firing, as the Death Stinger doesn’t need footlocks (and indeed, can move and walk) while using the SCPG. This scorpion most certainly has a sting in its tail.

Full-Body Hyper E-Shield:
The Death Stinger has taken omnidirectional shielding and one-upped it: full-body shielding. The Death Stinger’s Hyper E-Shield covers its entire body: underbelly, back of the kneecaps, teeth, whatever, hovering only a few centimeters above the Zoid’s surface. Note that the shield generator is located behind the Zoid’s cockpit, which makes it dangerous to attack (despite the heavily armored cockpit).

Dual Rocket Boosters:
At a mere 185 kph, the Death Stinger may seem slow. However, it does have a solution to this, but its temporary. For six seconds, the Death Stinger may increase its ground speed to 370 kph by activating two rocket boosters on its back. However, the Death Stinger cannot maneuver well while the boosters are active, nor does it have a way to shut the boosters off once they are engaged. Once expended, the boosters eject and have to be replaced in a transport during a rearming session. On the plus side, speed ramming in the Death Stinger can be great fun.

Though its maneuverability isn’t great, the Death Stinger can swim at a brisk pace of 72 knots. It can also go deeper than essentially any other Zoid, with a crush depth of 4 kilometers. If the Hyper E-Shield is used, it can go even deeper for short periods of time, but this will drain shield power. If I were the Death Stinger, though, I’d want to be back above 4 kilometers deep before my E-Shield ran out.

Available Modifications: