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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Death Saurer
Alignment: Zenebas/Guylos Empire
Family: Tyrannosaurus
Registration Number: EZ-021
Crew: 0-1
Height: 63 Meters
Length: 96.4 Meters
Weight: 600 Tons
Top Speed: 90 kph
Weapons: AZ144mm Laser Machinegun, AZ205mm Equivalent Continuous Laser, Sixteen-Shot Missile Launchers, Super Hardened Alloy Claws, Teeth, and Tail, Multi-Defense Grid.
Special Abilities: Super Charged Particle Gun, Composite Sensory Unit, Pilot Absorption.
Cost: Classified
Level: Banned

The Death Saurer -- a Tyrannosaurus-typed proto-Zoid that devastated Zi since ancient Zoidian times. There were only a handful of these monstrosities that roamed the land prior to the rise of human empires, and many of these were exterminated by ancient Zoidian forces and the three Legendary Tigers. The remaining last few Death Saurers were finally rounded up and destroyed, at great cost to the Ancient Zoidian forces, all before human settlers ever even arrived on Zi.

The Death Saurer was first seen by human eyes when the Guylos Empire resurrected one -- the result was a cataclysmic battle that ended with ultimate destruction of the Death Saurer and its creator, Emperor Prozen. Several crucial facts were uncovered about this Zoid -- including that it can operate with absolutely no pilot. It has extremely thick armor -- thick enough to absorb a CPG burst with no ill effects. Conventional weapons have little effect against that same armor, but the Death Saurer has one weakness in the form of the Particle Intake Fan on its back.

Above all, the Death Saurer was almost invincible. With heavy armor and weapons (albeit low speed and maneuverability), the Death Saurer can destroy an entire armored division with few problems. Also, the Death Saurer can’t be controlled. It is a berserk Zoid, bent only on the destruction with everything its faced with. Its own intelligence overrides that of anyone foolish enough to try to pilot it.

Over the years, humanity learned the trick to producing Death Saurers. However, the Zoid is now only used in special competitions in the commercial Zoid battling circuit, being uncontrollable. It’s impractical for use in warfare, as the moment it comes on line it will rip apart the facility is is produced in. There are no known wild Death Saurers, but if by chance you ever encounter one, it would be inadvisable to try fight it. This is a Zoid that knows no fear, and shows no mercy.

AZ144mm Laser Machinegun:
Mounted to the Death Saurer’s chest on a turret mount is the AZ144mm Laser Machinegun. It spews out high penetration rounds at a rate of 35 per second, and can easily decimate the toughest of Zoids in a matter of seconds or so. Don’t forget, each one of those shots is as powerful as the round fired from a Gun Sniper’s main cannon. Also, the mount allows this weapon to pivot up to 90 degrees left, right, or up. Ironically, this is one of the less powerful weapons on the Death Saurer.

AZ205mm Equivalent Continuous Laser:
Though it doesn’t actually have a AZ205mm Continuous Laser, the guns on the Death Saurer’s nose all combine together into one larger beam, which is equivalent. Needless to say, this weapon can slice through lesser Zoids like a knife through butter, and the caliber of the beam contributes to the Death Saurer’s reputation of invincibility. Though the guns themselves can’t pivot, they can point wherever the Death Saurer points its head. Also, if for some reason the Death Saurer feels like pulsing the beam, it can, firing the weapon like an AZ205mm Pulse Laser Cannon. It’s not entirely clear why it would want to do this, though...

Dual Sixteen Shot Missile Launchers:
Concealed behind a thick armor plate on either side of the Death Saurer’s chest sits a Sixteen-Shot Missile Launcher. Capable of locking onto multiple opponents at once, these two missile launchers are actually among the less fearsome weapons the Death Saurer possesses. They can lock onto to any number of terrestrial, aerial, or aquatic targets.

Super Hardened Alloy Claws, Teeth, and Tail:
The Death Saurer is as tall as a skyscraper, and has equivalent sized claws, teeth, and tail. All of these are made out of the same stuff as the Death Saurer’s armor, and are therefore damned near invincible. Also note that the claws and teeth are easily strong enough to crush even the toughest Zoids almost effortlessly.

Multi-Defense Grid:
I’ve only named the larger weapons. The Death Saurer has a vast assortment of other AZ20mm, AZ30mm, and AZ50mm cannons, along with mortars and rocket pods. Rate of fire varies from weapon to weapon, as does pivoting ability, firing rate, and concealment. Many are hidden behind thick armor plating, but many others are exposed and blatantly flaunted. Just note that no matter where you are, there’s at least one of these weapons trained on you.

Special Abilities:
Super Charged Particle Gun:
There’s never been a Zoid created that the Death Saurer couldn’t bury with this weapon. (Well, there are a couple, but you get the point.) It’s the original Charged Particle Gun/Cannon design, and the Death Saurer’s massive stature makes it free-firing. While the Death Saurer should technically only be allowed to use it once per battle, who is going to stop it? If you’d like to try to go and explain the rules to a Death Saurer, feel free. Anyway, the SCPG can be used once per round by the Death Saurer, which gives this Zoid most of its notoriety. Note that the SCPG can be fired at anything the Death Saurer can point its head at, but the entire weapons system will be rendered useless if the Charged Particle Intake Fan is jammed or destroyed.

Composite Sensory Unit:
Simply put, the Death Saurer possesses a Composite Sensory Unit that allows it use 3D Doppler Radar and IR scanning to track its opponents. This can make it fairly hard to hide from this behemoth, so run while you can! The sensors themselves are spread around the body, giving the Composite Sensory Unit and excellent range of vision, and making it hard to destroy. The data can also be transmitted to teamma---.... well, the Death Saurer usually doesn’t have any allies, but it can do it if need be for some reason. It’s the same variant as the Iron Kongs, though the reason for this is unclear.

Pilot Absorption:
Want to pilot the Death Saurer? Congratulations, the Death Saurer doesn’t even have a cockpit. However, you can bond directly to the core, allowing it to use its overwhelming will to dominate you and use your intelligence to further its own gains. This process must take place before the battle and takes about a minute, but it permanently bonds the pilot and Zoid together. Having a pilot can change the Death Saurer from a berserk killing machine to a directed berserk killing machine, but the pilot can never control the Zoid. Those who are foolish enough to try end up controlled, not controllers.