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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Death Cat
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Panther
Registration Number: DPZ-24
Crew: 1
Height: 7.2 Meters (normal) or 10.8 Meters (Gravity Cannon deployed)
Length: 18.4
Weight: 75 Tons
Top Speed: 420 kph
Weapons: Dual Impact Cannon, Electron Bite Fangs and Strike Claws.
Special Abilities: Super Gravity Bullet Cannon, Reflective Metal Ice Armor, Composite Sensory Unit, Electromagnetic Occurrence Antennas.
Level: 5

The Death Cat is a unique Zoid in that its really an assassin. The Dark Spiner is occasionally described the same way, but the Death Cat is very different in that it was built around one weapon. That weapon -- the Super Gravity Bullet Cannon -- is its purpose for existence. It’s meant to close in fast, deliver one bullet, and leave. That’s the Death Cat.

The Guylos Empire built the Death Cat as a weapon to combat the King Gojulas, the idea being that several would close in on one of the ZXs and all fire their Super Gravity Bullets into it at once. To this end, the Death Cat is has highest speed of essentially any conventional Zoid, and essentially the best agility and performance as well. Most of the Death Cat’s armor is reasonably light -- just below that of the Blade Liger -- but is extra reinforced around the head, legs, and back. Also, all of its armor is Reflective Metal Ice, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of beam and laser weaponry.

Dual Impact Cannon:
The Death Cat has exactly one conventional ranged weapon: its Dual Impact Cannon. This is the standard deal: AZ80mm rounds at a semiautomatic rate, with a maximum range of 300 meters, just like the Blade Liger’s. Really, though, this weapon is usually only used to clear the path during a retreat.

Electron Bite Fangs and Strike Claws:
All too often, the Death Cat will find its Impact Cannons insufficient to stop an enemy from reaching melee. That’s where these come in. The Death Cat fangs -- that is, teeth -- and claws can siphon to energy from the Zoid Core to pseudo-charge themselves, increasing their cutting power almost as much as if they’d been charged with a system similar to the Strike Laser Claw. This makes the jaws excellent for downing an opponent quickly in melee combat; attempting to bite through the enemy Zoid Control Conduit is an old favorite of soldiers.

Super Gravity Bullet Cannon:
If the Death Cat seemed a little to weak to you thus far, that’s because we haven’t come to the superweapon yet. Remember, the Death Cat was built and deployed to combat King Gojuli, and it wasn’t about to do that with an Impact Cannon and melee weaponry. It has a Super Gravity Bullet Cannon, which is normally concealed beneath a thick armor plate in this Zoid’s back. The Cannon can pivot up to 90 degrees upwards, but not at all from side to side.

The Super Gravity Bullet Cannon contains one planetellocite bullet. Just one. ((ZBC regulations forbid use of this weapon more than once during a single battle, so reloading is useless in sanctioned battles.)) It’s free to fire it at any time, but its recommended that the Death Cat come to full and complete stop before shooting. Firing while running may topple the Death Cat. Anyway, this one round weighs a few tons, and firing it does more than just your average damage. Upon hitting a target, it creates an artificial hyper-gravity field, 50 meters in radius, which usually causes a Zoid to implode. This field persists for a full 3 seconds before dissipating. In that time period, only the toughest of Zoids, such as the Gojulas, Dibison, and Elephander, can stave off Command System Freeze. Even then, if the Zoid started out relatively undamaged, it will be a wreck afterwards. To put this in perspective, it only took 3-4 of these to down a King Gojulas, the toughest ZX out there. Imagine what it can do to a normal Zoid. Just make sure you hit. You’ll only get one shot.

Reflective Metal Ice Armor:
The Death Cat’s armor coating might be thin in many places for its level, but it has one special quality: energy resistance. Being made out of Reflective Metal Ice, roughly 2/3s of the power of any energy attack (beam or laser included) is harmlessly refracted or dispersed, giving the Death Cat an extra edge in toughness. Charged particles are unaffected by the Metal Ice Armor.

Composite Sensory Unit:
Simply put, the Death Cat possesses a Composite Sensory Unit that allows it use 3D Doppler Radar and IR scanning to track its prey. The sensors themselves are spread around the body, giving the Composite Sensory Unit and excellent range of vision, and making it hard to destroy.

Electromagnetic Occurrence Antennas:
To help it deliver its one bullet, the Death Cat has a pair of antennas sticking out of is mane. While these might seem harmless, they’re far from it. Simply put, they disable E-Shields. Any kind of E-Shield, including powerful Hyper E-Shields, that are within 300 meters of the Death Cat instantly drop as though they were never there. This allows the Death Cat to get a clear shot at its target with the Super Gravity Bullet Cannon. Unfortunately, this effect doesn’t differentiate between friend and foe, so allies lose their shields as well. The Death Cat can, however, turn the field off.