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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Deadborder
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Tarbosaurus
Registration Number: PBZ-09
Crew: 1
Height: 12.8 Meters
Length: 19.6 Meters
Weight: 92 Tons
Top Speed: 140 kph
Weapons: Twin Gravity Cannons, Dual 150mm Cannons, Triple AZ50mm Beam Cannons, Twin 105mm Beam Cannons, Flamethrower, Quad Multipurpose Missiles, Hardened Alloy Claws and Fangs.
Special Abilities: Radar Transparency.
Level: 4

The Deadborder, originally designed by the Guylos Empire to counter large Helic Zoids like the Gordos, is sometimes referred to as “Zoid Destroyer” rather than a Zoid. But, be assured, by all accounts, the Deadborder is a Zoid. It’s just the two Gravity Cannons, just above the 150mms that throw some people off.

In all seriousness, the Deadborder is among the best armed and toughest Zoids in its class. However, it’s designed to fight what’s in front of it; as such, its also distinguished with the worst maneuverability of anything in its peer group. For that reason, combined with the advent of the Charged Particle Gun, the Deadborder has slowly declined in popularity over the years... but it’s still available, if you really want one.

Twin Gravity Cannons:
The largest two guns you will find on any Zoid of this size and weight, the Deadborder possesses two full Gravity Cannons. These cannons fire heavy planetellocite impacters, leading to their designation as “Gravity Cannons” or “Zoid Destroying” weapons. The heavy impact of the cannons, while not able to make a hyper-gravity field, will shatter even the thickest armor and send even the heaviest Zoids sprawling. Furthermore, these particular two cannons have the ability to incline up or down by a full 90 degrees. However, the cannons are limited to firing one shot every six seconds as they take an extreme length of time to reload.

Dual 150mm Cannons:
Located under each of the two Gravity Cannons is a 150mm Cannon (they share the same mount). Both weapons are semiautomatic, and not to be underestimated.

Triple AZ50mm Beam Cannons:
The Deadborder possess three AZ50mm Beam Cannons fixed onto its chest. They can be fired in sequence or all at once, and are reasonably standard equipment. They just add a little firepower to its arsenal.

Twin 105mm Beam Cannons:
Mounted to either side of the Deadborder is a 105mm Beam Cannon, each capable of pumping two shots a second. They’re fixed facing forwards, and adds that much more firepower to Deadborder’s already potent array of weapons.

And if you thought the Deadborder had enough weapons... you were wrong. For all of its close-ranged combat needs, the Deadborder has a high-power flamethrower attached to its chest. Unfortunately, although this weapon is potent, it only has a 75 meter range.

Quad Multipurpose Missiles:
The Deadborders possesses missiles located in two rows along the Deadborder’s chest. These possess the unique ability to lock onto both ground-based and aerial targets -- just in case the Deadborder needs to combat an airborne opponent or deliver that final punch to a persistent ground-based opponent. However, due to the nature of these missiles, it takes 1.5 times as long to lock on.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Fangs:
The Deadborder has, if absolutely everything else fails, the necessary equipment for down-and-dirty melee fighting. Hardened Alloy Claws and Fangs for ripping, tearing, and biting. So rarely, though, does it have to use them, given how many other weapons it has.

Special Abilities:
Radar Transparency:
Though this ability is accidental, the Deadborder is radar transparent. This means that while its not completely invisible to radar, it creates a much smaller and erratic blip which makes it harder to track. Once again, the Deadborder isn’t exactly a Stealth Zoid; the Radar Transparency is just a side-effect of the material and curvature of its armor. IR and good old vashioned visuals still work, though, so never fear not being able to find the Deadborder.