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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Dark Horn
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Styracosaurus
Registration Number: DPZ-10
Crew: 1-3
Height: 13.5 Meters
Length: 20.8 Meters
Weight: 115 Tons
Top Speed: 130 kph
Weapons: Hybrid Vulcan Cannon, 60mm Continuous Laser Cannon, AZ60mm Tri-Barrelled Artillery Cannon, Guided Anti-Ground Missile Launcher, Dual Twin 20mm Cannons, Crasher Horn and Tail.
Special Abilities: Composite Sensory Unit.
Level: 4

The Dark Horn has the unique status of being the standard to be measured against in both armor and firepower. Originally created as the muscleman and high-end linebacker of the Guylos Armed Forces, the Dark Horns developed the reputation of being able to mow through even the toughest opponents. Fighting side by side with its cousin, the Red Horn, the Dark Horn was often seen spearingheading charges on the front lines.

Though the Dark Horn is extremely similar in design to the Red Horn, there are a few crucial differences between the two Zoids. First and foremost is the fact that the Dark Horn has a yet heavier coat of armor, tougher than the Geno Saurer, making it the absolute toughest Zoid in its class. Second is the fact that the stock Dark Horn boasts a Hybrid Vulcan Cannon along with several other weapons, making it almost unmatched in firepower. Even the sturdiest of Zoids, like the Gojulas, must think twice before running headlong into battle with a Dark Horn.

However, one of the Dark Horn’s crucial weaknesses is that it can’t move or maneuver very quickly. The other crucial weakness is that while the Dark Horn itself is exceptionally well armored, the Hybrid Vulcan mount, to which most of its weapons are attached, is unarmored and fragile.

Hybrid Vulcan Cannon:
On the Dark Horn’s back sits its fiercest weapon: the Hybrid Vulcan Cannon. This four-barreled monstrosity is a “hybrid” between chaingun/vulcan and machinegun technologies, giving it an exceptional rate of fire: a full 35 rounds per second. Furthermore, since the weapon’s caliber is 60mm, it can strip stationary targets of armor with just a few seconds’ worth of fire. Also, the turret mount it sits on allows it to rotate 360 degrees horizontally or incline or decline up to 10 degrees vertically.

60mm Continuous Laser Cannon:
Though not nearly potent as the Hybrid Vulcan Cannon, the Dark Horn has a second reasonably powerful weapon at its disposal. Mounted onto the Hybrid Vulcan mount, right above the AGM launcher, sits a 60mm Continuous Laser Cannon. Because its a continuous laser beam, it can quickly slice and melt through even heavy armor. However, because of power constraints, the Continuous Laser Cannon can only be fired for 1 second at a time, and cannot be used again for another second while its energy stores regenerate. Also, it can’t pivot independently from the Hybrid Vulcan Cannon, meaning both weapons have to point at the same target.

AZ60mm Tri-Barrelled Artillery Cannon:
Mounted to one side of the Dark Horn’s Hybrid Vulcan Cannon, opposite the 60mm Continuous Laser Cannon and the Guided AGM missile pods, sits an AZ60mm Tri-Barrelled Artillery Cannon. As all artillery cannons, this weapon is very much like a ranged Triple Impact Cannon, albeit with a different range and firing rate. The Artillery Cannon fires its shells in a parabolic arc, giving itself a maximum range of over a kilometer, but a minimum range of 100 meters. Also, the cannon has a slightly less than semiautomatic firing rate, restricting to firing one shell from each barrel only once every 2 seconds. On the plus side, the Tri-Barrelled Artillery Cannon can vertically pivot independently of the Hybrid Vulcan, allowing it to adjust its trajectory and aiming without affecting any of the other weapons.

Guided Anti-Ground Missile Launcher:
Mounted on the Hybrid Vulcan Cannon mount, to one side of and below the 60mm Continuous Laser Cannon, sits a Guided Anti-Ground Missile Launcher. Technically, there are two pods of two, but the both are so close together that they might as well be one. They share the same locking system, too, so for all intents and purposes, they’re the same launcher. Anyway, there are four AGMs in all, which are standard in most respects. The launcher itself has Dark Horn-grade armor (unlike the rest of the weapons on the Hybrid Vulcan mount), but it has to turn with the other weapons on the turret.

Dual Twin 20mm Cannons:
Usually regarded as the least powerful weapon on the Dark Horn, there are two sets of two beam cannons on the Dark Horn. The first set is located underneath the Horn’s chin, while the others are located on the end of its massive tail. All four have the ability to pivot down up to 30 degrees; the tail-mounted ones can pivot up by the same amount. Also, the beam cannons have a faster firing rate than semiautomatic -- each spewing out shells in 3 round bursts per tap of the trigger. However, each of of cannons is linked together: that is, they must pivot and fire in unison.

Crasher Horn and Tail:
The Dark Horn is extremely dangerous at a range, but is even more dangerous in close-quarters. This is because it possesses a Crasher Horn specially designed for ramming and goring. A running charge and a solid hit with the Crasher Horn can send lighter Zoids flying. The Crasher Tail is designed for maximum impact and bludgeoning damage, and can be used to knock the Dark Horn’s enemies around as well. Either weapon is capable of dealing heavy damage, so don’t underestimate either.

Special Abilities:
Composite Sensory Unit:
Simply put, the Dark Horn possesses a Composite Sensory Unit that allows it use 3D Doppler Radar and IR scanning to track its opponents. The sensors themselves are spread around the body, giving the Composite Sensory Unit and excellent range of vision, and making it hard to destroy.

Available Modifications: