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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Berserk Führer
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Tyrannosaurus
Registration Number: EZ-049
Crew: 1
Height: 10.0 Meters
Length: 22.7 Meters
Weight: 97 Tons
Top Speed: 280 kph
Weapons: Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: Super Charged Particle Gun, Organoid System.
Level: Ultimate X

The Berserk Führer is a large Tyrannosaurus-type Ultimate X, originally created by the Guylos Empire and used as both a field commander and something of a battle standard during various wars on Zi. However, as times changed for the worse, the handful of existing Berserk Führers were destroyed, decommissioned, or simply lost to the sands of time...

Now only historians remember the Führer’s imperial past, because of the far more recent struggle with the Backdraft. Every man, woman, and child on Zi knows that the Berserk Führer was the symbol of the Backdraft Group. Usually seen and thought of in its shiny particle armor, the ‘Führer is actually far less menacing in its stock form.

Visibly lacking any armor or ranged weapons, most pilots don’t recognize the stock “naked” Führer as the same killing machine that Vega Obscura publicized and piloted. However, despite apparently being at the disadvantage, a Berserk Führer lacking weapons is still as dangerous as many large and well-armed Zoids. Using its permanent Organoid System to help guide it and supplement the skills of the pilot, the ‘Führer is capable of darting across the battle and into melee completely unscathed. This is not only the Organoid System at work, though: the Berserk Führer stock form is actually very maneuverable, possibly even moreso than the Liger Zero.

It should be noted that the Berserk Führer possesses the ability to utilize a CAS (Changeable Armor System) to equip several armors, including the Fury Armor and the Storm Armor. Though the Fury Armor is most popularized in the news-media, the Storm Armor and its yet less-known breathern are both very real and very powerful.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The naked Berserk Führer has one and only one conventional weapon: its own body. The sharp, pointy objects that can be found on said body are the taloned claws and teeth. As far as teeth go, the ‘Führer has two extremely shiny rows of them, supplementing the two sharpened digits found on the end of either arm. The nuttier pilots may also find a way to use the foot-talons, which are equally sharp and dangerous.

Special Abilities:
Super Charged Particle Gun:
The signature weapon of the Berserk Führer, the one it always has regardless of armor or loadout, is the Super Charged Particle Gun. The first step in the firing process is engaging the footlo-- oh. That’s right. The naked Berserk Führer doesn’t have any footlocks. But anyway, if the pilot decides to proceed anyway, vents all over the body open and begin to release steam while the Zoid collects particles and charges the weapon. The armorless charging process takes only 2-3 seconds, after which point its ready to fire. Unfortunately, chances are that it will destroy both the enemy and the Führer, since the Berserk Führer lacks every safety feature necessary for CPG firing. There its recommended that the SCPG NOT BE USED until armor is mounted on the Führer.

Organoid System:
The Organoid System bonded onto the core of the Berserk Führer allows it to learn and develop, making the Zoid more intelligent with each battle. The Organoid System can operate independently, but it usually serves to supplement a pilots own skills, increasing the Zoid’s overall performance. Note that the effects of the Organoid System increase with experience.

The other function of the Organoid System is less impressive, but still quite useful. The organoid which was originally bonded onto the core still possesses its Core Tracking sensors, which now interface with the Führer itself. Needless to say, this allows the Berserk Führer to track almost any target, regardless of how well it hides itself.

Available Modifications: