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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Bear Fighter
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Bear
Registration Number: RHI-06
Crew: 1-2
Height: 6.8 Meters
Length: 12 Meters
Weight: 45.6 Tons
Top Speed: 200 kph (quadruped), 95 kph (biped)
Weapons: Dual Electricity Cannons, Six-Shot Missile Launcher, Sharpened Hardened Alloy Claws.
Special Abilities: IR Sensors.
Level: 3

The Bear Fighter is a rather unique Zoid, built by the Helic Republic to specialize in combat in forested and mountainous terrains. Obviously modeled off a regular bear, the Bear Fighter possesses the unique ability to shift from bipedal to upright almost instantaneously. Though there is a significant speed gap between the two modes, each serves a distinct function: the quadrupedal mode allows use of the back-mount weaponry, while the bipedal mode allows use of the chest-mounted missile launcher and sensors, and improved melee ability.

Though the Bear Fighter has an enormous potential for modification, its attractiveness as a Zoid actually comes from its thick special composite armor: indeed, the Bear Fighter has armor on par with the Black Rhimos. Furthermore, because of its unique construction, it’s an extremely versatile machine, and can handle many different situations are terrains equally well. As a last note, the Bear Fighter is fast for its size and construction, topping out at 200 kph in bipedal mode.

Twin 80mm Cannons:
For its main guns, effective usable only in quadrupedal mode, the Bear Fighter boasts two 80mm Cannons, attached to a swiveling mount on the Zoid’s back. They can rotate 45 degrees to either side, or up to 30 degrees up or down, making them quite a versatile weapon. Unfortunately, when the Bear Fighter switches into quadrupedal mode, these guns are only useful against targets above the Bear Fighter.

Six-Shot Missile Launcher:
Mounted to the Bear Fighter’s chest is a multipurpose missile launcher, carrying a grand total of six missiles. Each of these six missiles have can target either land or aerial targets, giving the Bear Fighter reasonable striking power. However, the launcher can only be used while the Bear Fighter is in bipedal mode, since it faces the ground while its in quadrupedal form.

Sharpened Hardened Alloy Claws:
The Bear Fighter’s main melee weapons, the claws, are used for the most feral type of combat imaginable. However, the Bear Fighter can only use one claw at a time in quadrupedal mode (or risk loosing its balance and falling down). In bipedal mode, it can use both front claws (and sometimes one back one, as well) without fear of such occurrence.

Special Abilities:
IR Sensors:
The Bear Fighter possesses standard IR sensors, which allow it to track targets effectively in forested and mountainous environments. However, this system is just standard IR and works largely off heat-tracking principles, so it’s easy to counter.

Available Modifications: