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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Ambient Sniper
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Velociraptor
Registration Number: RZ-030
Crew: 1
Height: 7.2 Meters
Length: 11.9 Meters
Weight: 41 Tons
Top Speed: 250 kph
Weapons: Dual 20mm Beam Gatling Guns, 70mm Beam Cannon, Twin 8-Shot Mortar Pods, Quad AZ144mm Cannons, Quad AZ188mm Cannons Hardened Alloy Claws, Talons, Teeth and Spikes.
Special Abilities: 3D Doppler Radar, Built-in Targeting Computer, Ion Charger, Enraged.
Level: 4

The Gun Sniper is the most well-known and almost universally recognized multipurpose long-ranged combat Zoid, originally developed by the Helic Republic. Now shortly following the formation of the Guardian Force, an organoid with the ability to modify the physical and internal workings of a zoid had created a more destructive Gun Sniper model. The Gun Sniper equipped with the Wild Weasel Unit is something to fear, it carries a massive load of weapons and a massive amount of suppressive fire. Now when the organoid bonded to that particular model of Gun Sniper, the Ambient Sniper was born.

Adorned with large protruding hardened alloy spikes, the armor, speed, mobility and even the core's abilities changed. The sniper carries a faux-sentience only thought of to be held by Zid X and Ultimate X zoids. The Ambient Sniper packs a powerful punch as well as a violent streak that would make even the most hardened serial killer cringe. The zoid doesn't learn or actually gain any experience, but it does exhibit signs of self awareness.

Glancing over the firepower of this Zoid, many pilots' first reaction is to regard the Ambient Sniper as invincible, but this simply isn't the case. With so much recoil, the Ambient Sniper can be inaccurate and generally lacks surgical precision in its attacks. However, the Zoid's main weakness is its crippling lack of armor, not being much better off than a standard Gun Sniper. Still... firepower.


Dual 20mm Beam Gatling Guns:
Each of the Ambient Sniper’s talons actually has a gatling gun mounted to it, giving the Ambient Sniper some medium-range weaponry. Each 20mm Beam Gatling Gun can fire fully automatic rounds at a rate of 10/second each, but even this rate of fire leaves the Ambient Sniper seriously lacking in stopping power. Even so, these gatlings can chip away at armor, one little bit at a time. Also, both weapons can pivot up to 20 degrees up on top of the arm’s own range of movement for aiming purposes.

70mm Beam Cannon:
Fixed facing forwards to the Ambient Sniper’s chest is a 70mm Beam Cannon. It’s semiautomatic and very straight forward, nothing special about it.

Twin 8-Shot Mortar Pods:
On top of each of the Ambient Sniper’s back-mounted boosters is a pod -- they’re concealed, but they’re sure as hell there. Each mortar is an indirect fire weapon with a 10-meter blast radius, so beware enemies of the Ambient Sniper. Note that maximum range for the mortars is roughly 500 meters.

Quad AZ144mm Cannons:
The upper cannons mounted to the Wild Weasel Unit on the Ambient Sniper, these carry anti-zoid shells and have a chain firing set up, so they must fire in conjunction with the Quad AZ188mm Cannons, and a single salvo from the system takes 2 seconds. The Wild Weasel Unit can only fire a total of six salvos before needing to be reloaded.

Quad AZ188mm Cannons:
The lower cannons mounted to the Wild Weasel Unit on the Ambient Sniper, these carry anti-zoid shells and have a chain firing set up so they must fire in conjunction with the Quad AZ144mm Cannons and a single salvo from the system takes 2 seconds. The Wild Weasel Unit can only fire a total of six salvos before needing to be reloaded.

Hardened Alloy Claws, Talons, Teeth, Spikes:
The Ambient Sniper is a Velociraptor, and, like any self-respecting Velociraptor, has claws and talons. The Ambient Sniper, unlike its Gun Sniper cousin, actually has Hardened Alloy teeth. On top of that, they can be charged with energy from the Ion Charger to make them do that much more damage.

Special Abilities:
3D Doppler Radar:
Just so the Ambient Sniper always knows where you are, it has 3D Doppler Radar. This sensor system allows the Ambient Sniper to map out the terrain around it and find enemy Zoids more effectively. This system is reasonably basic, and doesn’t grant a targeting bonus. The sensors are none other than the Ambient Sniper’s ears, and if they’re destroyed, the radar will cease to function.

Built-in Targeting Computer:
The Ambient Sniper has a targeting computer that comes with the modified Wild Weasel Unit. This computer gives the Sniper an increase of about 15% in accuracy. The computer must be turned on first to be effective, and the actual computer is mounted under a small layer of armor between, the mortar pods on the Ambient Sniper's back.

Ion Charger:
Mounted on the Ambient Sniper’s back, covered by armor, is a curious device called an ion charger. This siphons and converts small amounts of energy from the Zoid Core and uses it to charge the Ambient Sniper’s melee weapons. However, the charge isn’t nearly as strong or potent as the Strike Laser Claw or even the Electron Strike Claw. It usually just increases sharpness and cutting ability by about 50%, which is a reasonable boost. Swipes and continued pressure still have the potential to deal quite a bit of damage.

The Ambient Sniper has anger problems; the Zoid is partially self-aware and unlike most things, as it takes damage it doesn't become fearful. If it's hurt or pissed off badly enough, in fact, it actually enters an enraged state where its cannons fire at double speed for 6 seconds. However, the zoid will thenfight against the pilot when in this state, should the pilot try to force it to not shoot the opponent. An enraged Ambient Sniper is not friendly (and may not recognize allies), and caution should be taken when confronting one.