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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Zoid Battle Commission (abbreviated "ZBC")
Location: Delphoi, Central and Southern Loramere
Population: 33,879,224 (Year 1 census, Ranked 1st)
Demonym: Commissioner
Government Type: Oligarchy/Aristocracy
Capital: Guygalos
Governing Body: Commission Council
Head of State: Commissioner Fredrick Coulston

General Background: Up until several years ago, the Zoid Battle Commission was the only government on Zi. The Commission was originally formed in the wake of the end of hosilities between the Neo-Zenebas Empire and the Helic Republic as the overaching organization for the regulation of the sport of Zoid Battling: the dominant and extremely dangerous planetary pasttime of the people of Zi. The original Commission Council was appointed by joint input from both the Republic and the Empire, though it was noted that corporate interests were also extremely well represented within the Council. The Council then in turn appointed a Commissioner of Zoid Battling, who would serve as the ultimate authority in the world of the sport. This Commissioner could also be removed from office by unanimous vote of the council, but the appointment of Commissioner has always so far been a life term.

The Zoid Battle Commission slowly grew into a supernation. Over the course of many years, the Zoid Battle Commission gained the right to regulate more and more aspects of the lives of so many, and more and more power. Backed and nearly completely controlled by corporate interests, the ZBC quickly became one of the largest governmental organizations in existance, as well as the best armed. When the Neo Zenebas Empire finally collapsed, the ZBC was quick to deploy its own police and regulatory forces to restore order to Delphoi, establishing itself as a government. Not soon afterwards, the Zoid Battle Commission, with the blessing of the Zi International Coalition, engulfed the Helic Republic and the other nations of the world in the name of unity. The people of Planet Zi were at last united under one banner, with much flamboyant celebration. As the former Guylos capital of Guygalos was declared to be the new capital of the ZBC, the following immortal words were uttered: "We are one people. From this day forward, let no human make war on any other human..."

The ZBC stood unchallenged for many years, until some people began to think that the ruling council was controlled by the corporate interests that had backed it all those years. The Zoid Battle Commission might have seemed a just, wise, and fair government on the outside, but somewhere along the way, some started to think that they'd lost all notion of democratic tradition. Of course, others would argue that this didn't much differ from the old traditions of the three Empires: Zenebas, Guylos, and Neo Zenebas all vested power in the hands of a few. Those other were right: there was no denying that an Emperor had held undisputed power within each of those Empires. However, the ZBC now lorded over the continent of Europa, which had never forgetten the Republican traditions it once held. Many there whispered of a non-representative government as unjust. And many in Delphoi whispered that the ZBC now served the few, not the many.

The Zoid Battle Commission began to crumble, ironically, not with a rebellion of idealistic republicans, but with a movement that came within the council itself. A composite organization of rich megalomaniacs and radical reformists (with respect to Zoid Battling regulations, not the government) formed the original Backdraft Group. Over several years, they worked in secret towards the fall of the ZBC. They searched the world twice over for the legendary Ultimate Xs and the now-extinct Charged Particle Gun of the Empire. Eventually, they found both, and, on the eve of the last World Cup, attempted to take over the government.

The plan backfired, and the ZBC quickly and ferociously crushed the Backdraft Rebellion, destroying their headquarters building, killing or capturing most of their leaders, and routing their small armed force. However, the Backdraft Rebellion was misinterpretted by many revolutionaries to be a signal that the time of the ZBC was over. In a matter of days, the entire continent of Europa had been lost to those who had never forgotten their Republican roots. In weeks, large chunks of Delphoi were in open rebellion. In months, the Zoid Battle Commission had lost northern Loramere and parts of the homeland itself to the rebels, and a new Backdraft Group, the Neo Backdraft, had formed to organize the revolutionaries.

The Commission encountered other problems from its own policies during the crisis period. Many would agree that one of the things that has most crippled ZBC power in its own homeland and standing with its people was the institution of a draft. Though it was merely a lottery for the general populace, all registered Zoid pilots were originally supposed to be automatically drafted into the armed forces. This plan catastrophically backfired, leading many experienced pilots to become revolutionaries or flee to non-ZBC territories, simply because they opposed this singular policy. Among the ranks of departing pilots were Bit Cloud and the Blitz Team, previously seen as a symbol of the Zoid Battle Commission and held in extremely high regard. Their departure of Delphoi for Zi International Coalition-controlled islands was a slap in the face to the ZBC policy, which was quickly repealed.

Another huge blow to the Commission, which left it as an undisputed world superpower, was the possession of a massive satellite network that allowed it to deploy troops around the world quickly, bombard targets from on high, and spectacularly launch judgebots into the ground below. Though there were some remnants of this network left following the defeat of the Backdraft Group, the resurgent Neo Backdraft Group has recently cleared away the last military orbital station. While many civilian commercial and military spy satellites exist, the ZBC no longer possesses orbital bombardment, orbital troop deployment, or orbital judgebot launch capability.

However, the Zoid Battle Commission still has the largest military, population, and industrial capacity of any nation, and is far from the crumbling superpower than its enemies would wish it to be.

To this day, the ZBC recognizes only the Zi International Coalition, New Helic Republic, and Blackdust Mercenary Group as independent nations. The nations it does not recognize also happen to be the ones it is at war with: the Neo Backdraft Group and the Eastern Continental Alliance.

Military Information
Military Overview: Coming Soon!

Commander-in-Chief: Commissioner Fredrick Coulston
Secretary of Defense: Peter Reed
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: General of the Army Richard Cassar (ZBCA)
Chief of Staff of the Army: General Victor Shubaltz (ZBCA)
Chief of Naval Operations:
Admiral Michael Crasston (ZBCN)
Chief of Staff of the Airforce:
General Lance Clow (ZBCAF)

Military branches: Army, Navy, Air Force
Military service age and obligation: 18, Draft by lottery for all males ages 18-28

Manpower available for military service:
males age 18-49: 6,957,853
females age 18-49: 6,887,716

Manpower fit for military service:
males age 18-49: 6,609,960
females age 18-49: 6,543,330

Manpower reaching military service age annually:
males: 289,011
females: 263,625

Active Personnel: 428,920 (Ranked 1st)
Active Zoids: 5,000
Reserve Personnel: 0 (All reserves activated)
Reserve Zoids: 0 (All reserves activated)

Military Budget: $505 Million (Ranked 1st)
Percent GDP: 4.93

Disputes - Internal: Conflict with Neo Backdraft Group throughout Delphoi and Loramere, as well as conflict with Eastern Continental Alliance in northern Loramere
Disputes - International:
None. (As claimed by ZBC.)

Bases of Note
Name: The Ultrasaurus
Location: Mobile (Usually Delphoi, near Guygalos)
Transport (Ultrasaurus)
Function: Commission High Command (HIGHCOM)
Commanding Officer: General of the Army Richard Cassar (ZBCA)
Defending Unit: 1st Armored Division, 1st Brigade
Personnel: 5,000
200 (150 terrestrial, 50 aerial)

Description: The Ultrasaurus, for most of the populace of Zi, needs no introduction. There have only ever been two of these super-large scale transports dug out of the ground, the first of which now sits as a rotting hulk at the site of the last World Cup. The second, still-functional one, is the serves as the Headquarters Building for the Armed Forces of the Zoid Battle Commission. At four times the raw weight of a Great Whale King and mind-bogglingly large, the Ultrasaurus is the largest Zoid in the world, as well as the slowest. In terms of High Command sites, the ZBC couldn't have easily chosen a better Zoid, as the Ultrasaurus is a mobile fortress. Equipped with armor able to shrug off a Charged Particle Gun blast and enough weapons to deter even the fierciest attackers, the many high-ranking ZBC officials have every reason to feel safe within its hull.

This is only mentioning the Ultrasaurus itself. Let it not be forgotten that the Ultrasaurus can carry a full 200 Zoids, and that it always has that complement on hand. Equipped with a small army of terrestrial Zoids and an entire wing of aircraft dedicated solely to its protection, the Ultrasaurus is easily one of the best-equipped bases that the ZBC even possesses. This massive transport is also almost entirely self-sufficient, being itself a mobile city. Though a very clever sneak-attack might suceed in badly damaging the Ultrasaurus, engaging it in a head-on attack is a tactical nightmare.

The situation inside the Ultrasaurus would be no better than without. And entire brigade of soldiers is stationed within the transport's hull, meaning that any attempt to seize the Ultrasaurus would be an absolutely massive effort. Also, there have been many movies about the Commissioner, on one of his frequent visits, being seized from within the bowls of this Zoid itself by terrorists or rebels, this is almost impossible. Indeed, many would say that the Ultrasaurus is safest point in the trip, including its start inside Guygalos itself.

Though the Ultrasaurus could wage a small war on its own, the point of this Zoid is not to fight, but to command. As mentioned earlier, there are dozens of members of the generalty and admiralty and other higher echelons of the military inside the Ultrasaurus. The bridge of this colossus gives high-ranking officials access to ZBC military data, ranging from large troop deployment plans to classified weapons research. The entirety of the Armed Forces of the Zoid Battle Commission answer to that bridge, which makes it such a tempting and zealously guarded target. If the ZBC military was a body, the Ultrasaurus would be its head.

Name: Guygalos
Location: Western Coastal Delphoi
Function: Capital of the ZBC
Commanding Officer: Commissioner Fredrick Coulston
Defending Unit: 4th Armored Division "Eisen Dragoons"
Personnel: 10,000
200* (50 Terrestrial, 40 Aquatic, 60 Aerial)
*There are generally more than 200 military Zoids in Guygalos at any one given time but only 200 are currently assigned specifically to the Capital. Furthermore, there are a number of armed civilian Zoids, such as police, peacekeeping, or private security-owned machines that might be rallied to the defense of Guygalos in case of an attack.

Description: Many years ago, Guygalos was the vaunted mark of Imperial power on the world, a large and wealthy city where the Emperor himself resided. Despite two changes of power in the ruling family of the Empire, from Zenebas to Guylos to Zenebas again (Neo-Zenebas) and more than a few attempted coups, Guygalos remained the capital of the Empire. Delphoian legend states that Guygalos was the first city ever founded by humans on Zi, and some treated the possession of Guygalos as a akin to the right to rule the world. It seemed to the residents of the nation that Guygalos was the immortal cradle of civilization itself, and any attempt at to move was met with fierce resistance by the populace.

After centuries of survival, the Neo-Zenebas Empire finally fell, giving the Zoid Battle Commission an excuse to step in. From there, it absorbed the Helic Republic and the other smaller, neutral nations of the world. Possibly to symbolize their newfound rulership of the world, or possibly because they simply liked the lavishness, the ZBC announced that Guygalos would be their new capital. Today, as Europa and parts of Loramere have broken off from the Commission, some might say that the Commission has taken the place of the old Empire.

Whatever the reason, Guygalos is now the capital of the Zoid Battle Commission. From the sociopoliticaleconomic perspective, the city is a jewel. Being the capital of the ZBC, most of the legislators, as well as most of the Commission Council and the Commissioner himself can be found here on a daily basis. It also possesses a booming industrial sector and enormous profit from trade, being nestled right on Landing River. Also, Guygalos happens to be the largest city on Zi in terms of population, having just recently broken a million people in size.

From the military perspective, Guygalos is indeed well guarded. The 4th Armor Division, which guards the city, is better known as the Eisen Dragoons. The Dragoons, while originally smaller than a division, was founded by Admiral Gunther Prozen (aka "The Dark Kaiser") to help him execute his failed coup against the Guylos Emperor. The Eisen Dragoons continued as a unit long after the death of Prozen, and were instrumental in the formation of the Neo-Zenebas Empire. When that too fell to dust, the Eisen Dragoons found a place within the Zoid Battle Commission as defenders of Guygalos itself. They may no longer be the black ops unit that they were under Prozen, but the Dragoons are still an elite outfit, and fearsome to tangle with.

While it is impossible to have many stationary defenses in a city the size of Guygalos, the Dragoons try their best. Throughout the city, there are assorted bunkers and other military complexes that are easily defensible in the event of an attack. The Eisen Dragoons also have a presence in and around the Capitol Building (formerly the Imperial Palace), where the Commissioner of Zoid Battling and the Commission Councilmen live and work. In terms of Zoids, military Zoids are rarely seen on the streets (except for a continuous guard around some governmental buildings), but are kept in reserve in the aforementioned bunkers. The Dragoons also have the resources to deploy in the skies and waterways.

In the event of an attack, everything falls to the Dragoons. While the populace is moved to Civil Defense Shelters by civilian authorities, the Eisen Dragoons have to quickly move their Zoids and other weapons to defense positions in and around the city and fortify everything as quickly as they can. (Evacuation of the Commissioner and other officials falls to a different unit.) A recent series of drills showed that the Eisen Dragoons could go from minimum readiness to battle-ready and in these defensive positions in less than ten minutes - a figure met with disbelief by reviewers of the report.

General Information

Climates: Temperate in most places, some rain forest and large southern desert

Terrain: Large plains areas, southern Delphoi desert, central Loramere rain forest

27,510,182 km^2 (land only, Ranked 1st)
Percent Disputed:

Per Capita: $302.35

Currency: Zian Dollar

Legal system:
Local and regional court systems with a larger federal court system for certain cases.

Suffrage: None

Executive branch:
Commissioner of Zoid Battling: Fredrick Coulston
Secretary of Defense: Peter Reed

Legislative branch:
Commission Councilers

Judicial branch:
Council-appointed Federal Judges

Political parties and leaders: None.

Flag description: Coming Soon!