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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: New Helic Republic (abbreviated "NHR")
Location: Europa
Population: 25,629,861 (Year 1 census, Ranked 2nd)
Demonym: Republican or Helic
Government Type: Representative Democracy
Capital: New Helic City
Governing Body: Helic Senate
Head of State: President Jacob Caldwell

General Background: Up until several years ago, the Zoid Battle Commission was the only government on Zi, having integrated into itself the former Helic Republic and Neo-Zenebas Empire into itself. The Helic Republic, which had proudly flown its flag over Zi for many centuries, had capitulated: it gave up its sovereignty in exchange for the vision of a unified Zi. And unified Zi was, for many years. The Zoid Battle Commission claimed the monopoly on legimate authority over all the planet. However, the ZBC was not the unified government that most had hoped for. It was not democratic or representative above local and county elections, and was ruled by the corrupt Commission Council, which was essentially in the pocket of the large Zian corporations. There was no longer war on Zi, but the price for such peace had been high.

The east of Delphoi and large strips of Loramere were plagued with fighting from the start of the ZBC. Rebels, who did not recognize or believe in the ZBC as a legitimate world government, fought to either instate democracy, communism, or ressurect the Empire of old. The Zoid Battle Commission, having the resources of all Zi at its disposal, including the glorious former Imperial Army, crushed each one of these rebellions in turn. There was fighting in the east. However, there was no fighting in the West. Since the conception of the Zoid Battle Commission, not a single large-scale rebellion broke out in Europa - those few that did were so small that local authorities could handle them. The Zoid Battle Commission and its ruling council, oblivious to the actual intent of the people, assumed that the former Republic was both loyal to the ZBC and content with its rule.

Furthermore, the ZBC knew that the Helic Republic had valued its Navy. Therefore, they decided it prudent to place the Commission Guylic Fleet Command (the Guylic Ocean being the ocean between Europa and Delphoi) in New Helic City, Europa, former capital of the Republic. As time progressed, the western continent remained seemingly loyal while the east became increasingly turbulent. A brilliant young admiral from Europa, by the name of Jacob Caldwell, came to the fore, gaining increasing recognition for his successful campaigns against rebels and smugglers in the Guylic and Zenebic Oceans. So successful, in fact, that he caught the eye of Commissioner Fredrick Coulston himself. When the previous Chief of Naval Operations retired after a long career, Coulston promoted Caldwell to Admiral of the Navy and made him the Chief of Naval Operation. A Europan commanded all of the ships of the ZBC.

Caldwell served faithfully for several years, and Europa stayed stable and mostly rebellion-free. However, this was very much an illusion put on by the Europan people. Many remembered the stories their grandparents and great-grandparents had told them. Thanks to advances in gerentology, some were so old to actually remember the old Republic. Large, complex, and organized rebel networks developed in the underground of the Western Continent, even snaking into the officers of the military. Though the ZBC thought it to be a stable province, the former Helic Republic was actually a powerkeg waiting to explode. As the rebel groups became interconnected and spread throughout the continent, it became clear that the only thing holding them back from largescale revolt was full support from the military. Jacob Caldwell had joined the rebel movement as a young man, and decided to see to it that they got that support. He rose through the ranks of the rebellion and the Commission in equal speeds.

He hit the top of both organizations, but held back the rebellion. He cautioned them that though they could easily take Europa, there was little to stop the ZBC from taking it back. The ZBC still had more ships, troops, and Zoids than Europa did, as well as a satellite network. If they couldn't control Europa, they would likely just burn it to the ground. Caldwell said that they needed to wait until the time was right. So wait they did, as Caldwell placed officers loyal to the cause as far as his influence could reach, slowly converting ZBC forces in Europa to rebels in disguise.

When the Backdraft Rebellion broke out, Caldwell tasted that their time was near. He waited as the original Backdraft Group downed dozens of Commission satellites, most of the network. He watched as the Neo Backdraft, a consolidation of many rebel groups with the Backdraft at the core, occupied the attention of the ZBC. Then, in one swift action, Caldwell declared the indepence of Europa and the formation of the New Helic Republic. They already had the constitution written and ratified. It was a quick process.

Commissioner Coulston was enraged, but initially failed to realize just how little he could do to stop the rebellion. Coulston declared Caldwell and the entirety of Europa to be traitors, and ordered the ZBC armed forces to retake the continent. However, the good Commissioner had failed to realize that Caldwell had had absolute military control of the continent as soon as he announced the succession, if not sooner. Similarly, almost 95% of the ZBC ships in the Guylic Ocean instantly swore allegiance to the rebellion, having been commanded by carefully-chosen captains loyal to the rebellion. Half of the remaining ships in the ZBC fleet experienced coordinated, successful mutinies, leaving the Commission with no vessel larger than a destroyer in the entire ocean.

The remaining Commission vessels scrambled to defend the Delphoi coast, supplemented by the few ships that the ZBC spare from elsewhere. Despite the desperate situation in the Guylic, Coulston refused to acknowledge defeat. He forbade the Eisen Dragoons (the defenders of Guygalos) from evacuating the capital, believing that no rebel force was capable of assaulting the ZBC's center of government. Even as the pittance of a defense that the ZBC managed to scrap together surrendered or retreated before the approaching Helic battlegroup, Coulston refused to admit defeat. He kept both the Council and himself in the city as civilians, not sharing his blind confidence in the ZBC armed forces, fled the city in droves. Even as the Dragoons manned the coastal defenses, the Commisioner maintained his stance.

Admiral Caldwell contacted the Commissioner as the Helic battlegroup pulled within shelling range of Guygalos (having been firing cruise missiles for some time already). Coulston still refused to surrender. The Admiral then ordered one of his ships, guns guided by aerial spotters, to put a shell in the capitol building's (the former imperial palace, where the Commisioner and the legislature work) front yard. Seeing an explosion less than fifty meters away from his own nose, Coulston and Caldwell finally worked out a peace treaty. The NHR got all of Europa. In return, it would stay out of the war.

The rest is history. The NHR soldiers and ships went home and formed a government while the rest of the world burned around them. They declared their rights as a neutral power and have been trading with both sides. In their first round of elections, Admiral Caldwell was elected as and became President Caldwell, and has led the NHR in its governmental establishment in this time of peace. The NHR is the only major faction not currently at war, with its ships, Zoids, and men all home. However, Caldwell has only expanded his armed forces, rather than demobilized them, preparing in case the ZBC ever returns to Europa...

Military Information
Military Overview: Coming Soon!

Commander-in-Chief: President Jacob Caldwell
Secretary of Defense: Allan Werner
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: General of the Army Alexander Hings (NHRA)
Chief of Staff of the Army: General Gerrard Balish (NHRA)
Chief of Naval Operations:
Admiral Houston Street (NHRN)
Chief of Staff of the Airforce:
General Michael Hu (NHRAF)
Commandant of the Marine Corps: General David Swerneg-Triton (NHRMC)

Military branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps
Military service age and obligation: 18, Draft by lottery for all males ages 18-28

Manpower available for military service:
males age 18-49: 4,656,336
females age 18-49: 4,658,020

Manpower fit for military service:
males age 18-49: 4,442,812
females age 18-49: 4,460,757

Manpower reaching military service age annually:
males: 220,850
females: 221,068

Active Personnel: 101,056 (Ranked 3rd)
Active Zoids: 1,800
Reserve Personnel: 223,052
Reserve Zoids: 2,000

Military Budget: $183 Million (Ranked 3rd)
Percent GDP: 2.40%

Disputes - Internal: None.
Disputes - International:

Bases of Note
Coming Soon!

General Information

Climates: Temperate or arid in most places, some rain forest and large central desert

Terrain: Large plains areas, desert and rain forest around the equator, mountains and forest throughout

22,064,233 km^2 (land only, Ranked 2nd)
Percent Disputed: 90%

Per Capita: $297.58

Currency: Zian Dollar

Legal system:
Local and regional court systems with a larger federal court system for certain cases.

Suffrage: Universal.

Executive branch:
President: Jacob Caldwell
Secretary of Defense: Allan Werner

Legislative branch:
Congress at Federal level, smaller regional systems

Judicial branch:
Tiers of Courts, Supreme Court and Constitutional Court at the top

Political parties and leaders: None yet. (Some are forming within the Republic, but none have officially declared their existence yet.)

Flag description: Planet Zi, as viewed from above, with a lighting bolt through it, and the planet ringed by laurels (the traditional Republican flag)