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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Neo Backdraft Group (abbreviated "NBD")
Location: Delphoi
Population: 22,860,284 (Year 1 census, Ranked 3rd)
Demonym: Backdraft or Backdrafter (sometimes "Rebel" by Commissioners)
Government Type: Military Dictatorship
Capital: West Vedere
Governing Body: Generalty
Head of State: Commandant Vega Obscura

General Background: Up until several years ago, the Zoid Battle Commission was the only government on Zi, having integrated into itself the former Helic Republic and Neo-Zenebas Empire into itself. However, not everyone was happy with this new arrangement. The lack of a representative federal government, along with protests regarding various laws, policies, and directives, led to the rise of many rebel organizations over the years. The Neo Backdraft is by far the largest and most successful armed rebel movement in the history of the Commission. To understand the Backdraft Group, we must first take a look at the history of the ZBC itself.

The east of Delphoi and large strips of Loramere were plagued with fighting from the start of the ZBC. Rebels, who did not recognize or believe in the ZBC as a legitimate world government, fought to either instate democracy, communism, or ressurect the Empire of old. The Zoid Battle Commission, having the resources of all Zi at its disposal, including the glorious former Imperial Army, crushed each one of these rebellions in turn. There was fighting in the east, but no rebel organization every came close to overthrowing the government. The ZBC was too big, powerful, and well-organized to fall to a small, often organized and inexperienced resistance. The advantage of a military satellite network further gave the Commission the ability to orbitally bombard their enemies from on high, often decimating or diminishing the ranks of the enemy without every meeting them head-on.

The Backdraft Group was not an Eastern Delphoi rebel group, nor did it have any particular gripe about the way the country was run. Backdraft Group was more concerned with Zoid Battling. You see, it began as an alliance of the between many of the radical reformists within the sanctioned Zoid Battling community who believed that safety restrictions and other such measures interfered with the quality of the battle. This collection of radicals was led by a group of seven powerful upper ZBC officials, known as the "Commitee of Seven", with one Count among their numbers. With enormous resources at their disposal, the Backdraft Group managed to pilfer and modify judgebots (to become the legendary "dark judges"), and even launch and commandeer their own satellites. The covert nature of this operation was only a testimate to the power of the Comittee of Seven.

These radical, mostly Western Delphoi-born, pilots began to set up illegal, unsanctioned battles and challenge legitimate pilots to wild, high-stakes, dangerous battles. Almost all of the Backdraft pilots were experienced, having formerly been sanctioned pilots, making the Backdraft Group and its Zoids all the more dangerous. The immense wealth and power of the committee allowed them to obtain high-end Zoids and even huge transports such as Whale Kings and Hammer Kaisers. The Backdraft Group grew to be far larger than any team or even any Eastern rebel group.

Naturally, the ZBC caught on eventually, hearing about a group of rebels that was interrupting sanctioned Battles and destroying government property. However, the Backdraft had several advantages which prevented the ZBC from destroying them outright. Firstly, the Backdraft were constantly on the move and kept their stronghold's location an absolute secret. With no location to shell, the ZBC was forced to engage the Backdraft head to head. Furthermore, the Backdraft had people on the inside of the ZBC, whereas the ZBC had no agents within the Backdraft Group. This advantage nearly always allowed the Backdraft to dodge the authorities.

The Backdraft Group ended up becoming one of the most successful rebel groups in the history of the ZBC. In the few clashes between the Backdraft and the Commission-controlled authorities, the Backdraft always ended up on top. It seemed that they could do not wrong. The size of the group swelled as eastern rebels poured into the 'Group (often misinterpreting what they stood for), and the Backdraft became more than just radical reformists. They began to work towards total overthrow and reinstatement of the ZBC government. However, there were always a few constants - they always fought unsanctioned battles, with no rules or safety regulations.

As the Backdraft Group gained power and clout among the rebel community and world, they began to search for weapons with which to fight the ZBC. Though they were a large and power rebel organization, they knew that they were nothing compared to the vast armies of the Commission. Thus began the search for the Ultimate X's and the ressurection of the long-since-outlawed Charged Particle Gun, weapons that were sure to ensure victory for the Backdraft Group. Meanwhile, in the world of sanctioned Zoid Battling, a team called the Blitz Team began to gain some clout of their own. Whenever the Blitz Team and the Backdraft tangled, one Bit Cloud and his Liger Zero seemed to come out on top.

All this culiminated the Backdraft Group recovering the Berserk Führer, finding Vega Obscura as a pilot for it, and ressurecting the Charged Particle Gun. They declared that they were going to overthrow the ZBC government by force of arms, and openly stated their intent and location. Vega Obscura, their vaunted star pilot, would win the World Cup, showing the symbolic victory of the Backdraft over the ZBC. Furthermore, they began to shoot down ZBC military satellites, using Charged Particle Gun technology.

You know the rest from the books you've read, or the news footage you've watched. Unless you've been living under a rock, anyway. The Backdraft Group's ressurected Death Stinger (yep, they ressurected it, too) launched an unsuccessful attack against the ZBC Ultrasaurus, while, with all the world watching him, Bit Cloud managed to defeat Vega Obscura in the final match of the World Cup. The ZBC orbitally bombarded Backdraft Headquarters at East Vedere, killing the majority of the ZBC command structure. The Backdraft Group died that day, as ZBC troops poured into the ruins and debris to finish off the crippled rebels.

The Neo Backdraft Group was born two days later, when Vega Obscura and his Whale King returned to East Vedere. In two days of continuous fighting between ZBC federal troops and Backdraft resistance, ZBC bombardment had killed 30,000 people, most of then civilians. The Backdraft were fighting desperately to hold the city but were about to be overrun, despite the help of the Vedere militia: civilians sympathic to the Backdraft cause, spurred to action when their homes were attack.

Obscura cut through the ZBC lines with the power of his Charged Particle Guns and loosed the 40-odd Zoids at his command to cut through their positions. He'd taken them both by surprise and from behind, allowing him to eliminate a huge tract of the ZBC blockade of the city. Vega Obscura then led remaining Backdraft troops out of the city and into hiding in the hills surrounding Backdraft-sympathetic West Vedere (sister city of East Vedere). Upon taking a headcount, Vega Obscura, little more than a child, found that the entirety of the Backdraft chain of command had been killed down to him. He was sworn in as Commandant while the rubble of East Vedere was still smoking.

After seeing his home burned in flames, Vega Obscura declared that the Backdraft Group was now the Neo Backdraft Group, entirely dedicated to the overthrow of the ZBC. Any like-minded organization, he said, would have the Backdraft's support. He decried the slaughter in Eastern Vedere and stated this as proof of the ZBC's injust rule. As he sent this message in the open, broadcasting it to all the world, Loramere, Eastern Delphoi, and parts of Northern Delphoi, all exploded into revolt. All of the Delphoi rebels and some of the Eastern rebels joined with Obscura, to form the modern-day Neo Backdraft Group. Much of Loramere formed its own allied rebel group, called the Eastern Continental Alliance.

To this day, Vega Obscura has headed the Neo Backdraft Group with more wisdom, charisma, and intelligence than any child of his age has any right to do. The Backdraft Group managed to recover both the Death Stinger (which they have recently finished restoring) and Charged Particle Gun technology (the latter of which has somehow spread all over Zi). One great scientific mind, Dr. Laon, has also helped the NBD in their struggle against the ZBC, keeping them competitive in the weapons development world. Furthermore, many former Backdraft deserters and dissenters, who were dissillusioned with the cause of reforming Zoid Battling, have re-rallied around the cause of rebellion The Backdraft continue to struggle, and one day, they may succeed.

Military Information
Military Overview: Coming Soon!

Commander-in-Chief: Commandant Vega Obscura
Secretary of Defense: Sarah Redfern
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: Commandant Vega Obscura (NBDA)
Chief of Staff of the Army: General Donald Ateil (NBDA)
Chief of Naval Operations:
Admiral Scott Polta (NHRN)
Chief of Staff of the Airforce:
General Alaina Pierce (NHRAF)

Military branches: Army, Navy, Air Force
Military service age and obligation: 18, no obligation

Manpower available for military service:
males age 18-49: 4,614,234
females age 18-49: 4,614,882

Manpower fit for military service:
males age 18-49: 4,500,772
females age 18-49: 4,501,066

Manpower reaching military service age annually:
males: 193,530
females: 193,899

Active Personnel: 405,116 (Ranked 2nd)
Active Zoids: 4,200
Reserve Personnel: 0 (All reserves activated)
Reserve Zoids: 0 (All reserves activated)

Military Budget: $337 Million (Ranked 3rd)
Percent GDP: 5.55%

Disputes - Internal: None (as claimed by the NBD).
Disputes - International:
War with the Zoid Battle Commission.

Bases of Note
Coming Soon!

General Information

Climates: Temperate in most places, some rain forest and large southern desert

Terrain: Large plains areas, southern Delphoi desert, central Loramere rain forest

11,004,072 km^2 (land only, Ranked 3rd)
Percent Disputed: 100%

Per Capita: $265.55

Currency: Zian Dollar

Legal system:
Local and regional court systems with a larger federal court system for certain cases.

Suffrage: None.

Executive branch:
Commander-in-Chief: Commandant Vega Obscura
Secretary of Defense: Sarah Redfern

Legislative branch:
Regional legislature, some small number of defense-related federal decrees

Judicial branch:
Tiers of Courts, Supreme Court at the top

Political parties and leaders: None.

Flag description: Gray background with a large, red X through the flag.