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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Eastern Continental Alliance (abbreviated "ECA")
Location: Northern and Central Loramere
Population: 5,639,219 (Year 1 census, Ranked 4th)
Demonym: Easterner, Continental, or Ally (sometimes "Rebel" by Commissioners)
Government Type: Federation of Individual City-States
Capital: Patras
Governing Body: Alliance Assembly
Head of State: First Citizen Thomas Leandro

General Background: Up until several years ago, the Zoid Battle Commission was the only government on Zi, having integrated into itself the former Helic Republic and Neo-Zenebas Empire into itself. However, not everyone was happy with this new arrangement. The lack of a representative federal government, along with protests regarding various laws, policies, and directives, led to the rise of many rebel organizations over the years. The Eastern Continental Alliance is one of the few armed rebellions in the history of the ZBC to gain some measure of soveriengty and autonomy over their own lands.

The east of Delphoi and large strips of Loramere were plagued with fighting from the start of the ZBC. Rebels, who did not recognize or believe in the ZBC as a legitimate world government, fought to either instate democracy, communism, or ressurect the Empire of old. The Zoid Battle Commission, having the resources of all Zi at its disposal, including the glorious former Imperial Army, crushed each one of these rebellions in turn. There was fighting in the east, but no rebel organization every came close to overthrowing the government. The ZBC was too big, powerful, and well-organized to fall to a small, often organized and inexperienced resistance. The advantage of a military satellite network further gave the Commission the ability to orbitally bombard their enemies from on high, often decimating or diminishing the ranks of the enemy without every meeting them head-on.

Loramere, in particular, was a center of rebellion for sociopoliticaleconomic reasons. It was a set of scattered cities with little industry, mostly utilizing what little arable land there was for agricultural purposes. During the years of the Empire, things had been no different. Loramere had been, for most of the time for which it was inhabited by humans, occupied by Imperial troops. The transition to ZBC rule really didn't change anything: the Loramerans were still governed by a small number of people more than half a world away. Furthermore, things didn't get any better. They were still all but impoverished, close to the brink of starvation, with the situation seeming to degenerate with every passing week. Rebellion after rebellion wracked Loramere, and rebellion after rebellion was put down by the Zoid Battle Commission. Eventually, the Commission posted a standing army in Loramere to keep the peace and declared martial law on that continent.

Well, the Loramerans were never happy about this, but there was little they could do about it. The Commission had every military advantage imaginable. This abruptly changed when the Neo Backdraft Group started shooting down satellites and causing general chaos on the Central Continent. Finally, with the Commission military elsewhere distracted, the people of the Eastern Continent managed to throw off the shackles of their oppressors. Northern and parts of Central Loramere were liberated by the rebellion, and soon, a government began to emerge. Each of the 38 cities in Loramere formed their own local governments, and allied together for "mutual support and defense" under the flag of the Eastern Continental Alliance. Each city-state sent a delegate to the Alliance Assembly in Patras (the largest city-state), where Thomas Leandro, honorable delegate from Patras (coincidentally) was elected First Citizen of the Alliance.

The ECA may or may not have a noble cause, depending on how you look at it, but they face several major problems in seeing to their own defense. First, the ZBC still has an army stationed in Southern Loramere, and much of Central Loramere is little more than a desert warzone. Loramere has never had much industry, and has difficulty producing weapons and Zoid for its troops, or even raising taxes. The local government of each of the city states raise taxes and then donate troops and money to the mutual defensive force, which complexifies things even more. However, the Alliance has continued fight on, overcoming all difficulties, and, with the help of the Neo Backdraft Group, is determined to take all of Loramere.

Military Information
Military Overview: Coming Soon!

Commander-in-Chief: First Citizen Thomas Leandro
Secretary of Defense: Hector Young
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: General of the Army Jessica Mitchell (ECAA)
Chief of Staff of the Army: General Walter Burks (ECAA)
Chief of Naval Operations:
Admiral Oscar McFadden (NHRN)
Chief of Staff of the Airforce:
General Laura Irwin (NHRAF)

Military branches: Army, Navy, Air Force
Military service age and obligation: 18 by standard law, no obligation in most city-states

Manpower available for military service:
males age 18-49: 1,253,007
females age 18-49: 1,252,908

Manpower fit for military service:
males age 18-49: 1,199,573
females age 18-49: 1,199,467

Manpower reaching military service age annually:
males: 49,501
females: 49,333

Active Personnel: 80,812 (Ranked 4th)
Active Zoids: 1000
Reserve Personnel: 0 (All reserves activated)
Reserve Zoids: 0 (All reserves activated)

Military Budget: $20 Million (Ranked 5th)
Percent GDP: 4.00%

Disputes - Internal: None (as claimed by the NBD).
Disputes - International:
War with the Zoid Battle Commission.

Bases of Note
Coming Soon!

General Information

Climates: Temperate in most places, some rain forest and large southern desert

Terrain: Large plains areas, southern Delphoi desert, central Loramere rain forest

10,480,792 km^2 (land only, Ranked 4th)
Percent Disputed: 100%

Per Capita: $88.57

Currency: Zian Dollar

Legal system:
Local and regional court systems with a single federal court system for inter-city disputes.

Suffrage: Universal in most city-states.

Executive branch:
Commander-in-Chief: First Citizen Thomas Leandro
Secretary of Defense: Hector Young

Legislative branch:
City legislatures, small number of alliance-wide regulations set by the Assembly

Judicial branch:
Tiers of Courts, Alliance Court at the top

Political parties and leaders: Many local parties - no national.

Flag description: Dark Green background with two lighter green diagonal slashes and a light green dragon in the foreground, cloaked by some flourishes and swirls.